The Baby Among the Poisonous Worms

Zoro and the others followed the direction indicated by the Old Ancestor and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain. They also found a long ravine in it, as if the Old Ancestor had specially left a mark to guide them.

Following the mark, the few of them finally saw the cave. Upon closer look, there were also many worm carcasses at the entrance of the cave.

Although the cave was dark and oppressive, Zoro had a lot of trust in his Old Ancestor. He believed that there would not be any danger inside, so he went in directly.

This did not mean that Zoro had completely let down his guard. The few of them were still in a tense state.

There was only one path in the cave, so Zoro and the others could only follow this path in. Soon, the path became wider and brighter, and finally they came to a wide stone room.