Members of the Xu Clan

Romo also expressed his regret. If it had not been for this damned Mage, perhaps the entire village would have been brought back by Zoro.

He even regretted letting the Mage die so easily. He should have tortured him again and again.

The search for descendants by Norton's team was going rather smoothly, although the few of them had not been traveling fast in consideration for Aaron's health. They were concerned that Aaron would not be able to take it physically.

Norton had even rented a horse carriage for Aaron to travel in. It took one full day to reach Robert Town.

When the carriage stopped at the entrance to Robert Town, it attracted a lot of attention. Everyone in the town put down what they were doing; they were curious about the purpose of these people's visit.

Norton got out of the carriage and asked Aaron to remain in the carriage for a while. He would go and find out the situation first.