Fighting openly and secretly

Dick did not delay for long. Soon, he walked toward Ron with Loche and the others.

Ron had not deliberately eavesdropped on their conversation. He did not know what Dick had said to them, but the gaze of these Magi from the Spirit Ribbon Academy was still filled with fear and awe when they looked at Ron. They walked up to Ron and bowed respectfully to him in unison. Loche said, "Thank you for helping us out just now, Senior. Don't worry, we definitely won't reveal anything about what has happened here!" Ron nodded with a smile. Dick walked to Ron's side and said, "We can go now."

Ron nodded slightly and released a burst of magical power to hold Dick, and then the two of them flew into the sky.

The Spirit Ribbon Academy disciples looked up at the two of them. A woman could not help but say, "You… take care!!"

Dick smiled and waved at them. "Take care too. If there's a chance in the future, we might meet again."