True Identity

Looking at Ron and Dick outside, the few family clansmen looked at each other. One of the young men secretly glanced around and said softly to Loche, "Loche, why don't we…"

Loche knew what he meant. He wanted to ask if they should take the opportunity to leave now. He smiled bitterly and shook his head. "Let's just stay here. That senior probably won't hurt us."

To slip away under the nose of someone of the Divine Power Realm was simply wishful thinking.

Fortunately, although the other party had killed Ower and his people decisively and coldly, he did not show any killing intent toward them. Moreover, the other party seemed to have a special relationship with Dick, so if they did not court death, their lives should not be in danger. But who was the other party?

How had they never heard of such a young expert of the Divine Power Realm appearing in the Northern territory? What was the relationship between the other party and Dick?