Fierce dog food

Looking at Chen hansheng's craned neck, Shen youchu realized that he had fallen into his trap again.

However, although she was pushy and slow in the ways of the world, she was really shy. No matter how much she could not bear to part with Chen hansheng, it took a lot of courage to kiss him in front of everyone.

Chen hansheng closed his eyes and stretched his neck. He was also guessing whether Shen youchu would kiss him, but he suddenly felt a chill on his face.

"He actually kissed me?"

Chen hansheng opened his eyes in surprise and saw Shen youchu pouting. His long eyelashes drooped and he pressed a finger on his face, looking silly.

I asked you to kiss me, not to press me down! Chen hansheng panicked.

"Come on,"

"Munching will be quick," Chen hansheng continued to encourage her.

"Many people."