Youth is all about trouble

Seeing Chen hansheng and Shen youchu's intimate actions, Hu linyu was not the only one who was touched. Wei Jun, who was sitting next to them, was also touched.

"It's good to be young."

but I'm in my fourth year, " Wei Jun said with a smile. my youth is coming to an end.

Chen hansheng and Wei Jun were only acquaintances. They usually met at the league committee meetings and occasionally chatted with each other. Today, they finally talked for a while.

"Old Wei, which girl was your youth?"

Chen hansheng asked. His original intention was to ask Wei Jun's girlfriend.

"My youth,"

Wei Jun blew out the smoke and looked at the rostrum with a nostalgic gaze.

"Don't tell me your youth is Chen Tianyu," Chen hansheng joked.

Wei Jun smiled and shook his head. I don't like men. Gu huanhuan.

Oh, " Chen hansheng replied. Wei Jun and Gu huanhuan were both fourth-year students. This should be their last campus sports meet.

"Ho, ho, ho."