202, 10 million is a small number

After leaving Wang Zibo's house, Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu went back together. He bought two su Yan and two bottles of Wuliangye, as well as a bag of fruit, when they passed by yanjiumen market.

Xiao rongyu's mood had changed a lot today. She had been very sad after the phone call with her father, but she was very pleased that Chen hansheng had taken the initiative to stand up for her. However, when they were almost home, she began to worry again.

"Xiao Chen, my heart is beating so fast."

Xiao rongyu stretched out her white and tender fingers. my fingers seem to be shaking uncontrollably. I can't even hold them tightly.  

Chen hansheng saw that it was true. The back of his hand felt a little cold, indicating that she was really nervous, so he comforted her, " it might be because I climbed the stairs. I'm just here for a meal. There shouldn't be any problem.