Little xiali can act tough now

In fact, 10 million was not difficult for Chen hansheng. He still remembered a few stocks that were bound to rise, as well as the unexpected results in the world Cup, Champions League, and Asian Champions League. When it came to that, it would be a good time to play poker.

However, he was worried that when he became big, people would investigate his first pot of gold. These things were not easy to explain.

I'm going home. I'll come and pick you up tomorrow.

Chen hansheng waved his hand and got into the car. In the rearview mirror, he saw that Xiao Yu 'er was still standing downstairs, watching the car leave affectionately. However, he wondered if he should control the distance between them properly after his relationship with Xiao Yu' er was restored.

Xiao rongyu had a clingy temperament, and Chen hansheng felt that he could not be influenced by her personality.

When she got home, old Chen and Liang meijuan were both there because their relatives had come.