The silly lady boss

In the end, Kong Jing still opened up the market of Xian ning University City and helped Chen hansheng build a bridge.

Because the rocket 101 had no transportation power, they could only negotiate with the shintong express Xianning campus to borrow their transportation truck and form a cooperation model like Zhong jiancheng's.

As for the related Commission, they would have to discuss it when the time came.

As for why Kong Jing had agreed, Chen hansheng did not plan to think about the specific reason.

Perhaps it was because he had woken up at four in the morning to pick her up, or perhaps it was because he had accompanied her in every possible way, or perhaps it was because Kong Jing had been touched by a small matter.

In short, the reason was very complicated, but people were complicated in the first place. With Chen hansheng's character, he would not pursue the reason after he had achieved his goal.