Increase the appreciation level of the entire Institute of finance

After appeasing the boss of the renovation team, Chen hansheng called out to supervisor Hu linyu, " you've worked hard, manager Hu. Did anything special happen these few days? "

"What can happen in the milk tea shop in the school?"

Hu linyu said disapprovingly, but after thinking about it carefully, there were two small things.

"Youchu knows that this milk tea shop is yours."

"I accidentally let it slip once, so I just came clean," Hu linyu said, a little embarrassed.

"It's fine."

the milk tea shop business is very simple, " Chen hansheng said indifferently. it's not like the express delivery industry, where sudden incidents often happen. She still has a lot of time to go back to her books.

"There's one more thing.

Hu linyu frowned. the convenience store owner of the second canteen often comes here to observe our renovation progress. He also often asks who the owner of this milk tea shop is.

"Convenience store owner?"