What if it's inappropriate?

Zheng Guanyu was not stingy. New era electronics factory had three security teams, more than 40 people in total. She directly assigned 15 security guards to Chen hansheng and also sent three vans.

Zhang weiyu was also among them. Chen hansheng explained to him the reason on the way.

I'm running a milk tea shop in the financial institute. Someone came to disturb my business today, probably because of jealousy.

how did you interfere? there's no conflict, right? " Zhang weiyu asked.

not yet. Maybe he's just waiting to see my reaction.

Chen hansheng did not think too much about it. in any case, there can't be a next time. We'll find a way to get it done in one go today.

It was only a 15-minute drive from the new era electronics factory to the Institute of finance. Outside the door, they met an anxious Hu linyu and she quickly said, " they don't order milk tea but smoke instead. They look so fierce. Many students have packed up and gone to the library.