A tooth knocked out while eating skewers

"Who was Chen hansheng on the phone with?"

The chubby young man and the others were stunned for a moment. Could it be that he had helpers lying in ambush?

They had guessed correctly.

The next moment, three Jinbei vans appeared one after another.

The first car made a beautiful turn in the open space outside the milk tea shop, and then a dozen uniformed security guards slowly came down.

"No, what do you mean?"

The chubby young man quickly stood up. There were only five of them, and the other side had more than a dozen people. This conflict was no different from giving away a tower.

"Brother fatty, what should we do?"

The spirited young men quickly asked the chubby young man when they saw that something was wrong.

"Don't worry, you must be calm at this time."