The real bad guy

When Chen hansheng saw that Xiao Yu 'er had left, he did not chase after her. Instead, he pouted and went downstairs.

As expected, the girls 'dormitory was filled with wolves. The strong smell of smoke had not dissipated. Some girls even came down to fiddle with the box of fireworks and curiously discussed the meaning behind the fireworks with their roommates.

No one recognized Chen hansheng either. After all, everyone was focused on the beautiful fireworks, and no one would remember who the fireworks were.

Except for the angry Auntie at the dormitory station.

"Student, you lied to me and still dared to come back?"

"Auntie, I'm sorry. I came back this time to apologize to you."

Chen hansheng pointed at the paper scraps on the ground. "I was about to leave, but then I felt that it was too hard for you to clean it alone, so I came back to clean it."
