The fight

"Phew, phew."

When Chen hansheng made such a shameless request, Shen youchu suddenly fell silent. Only his breathing was heard through the microphone, and the sound was a little hoarse.

She didn't know how to reply, and her mind was probably still in a daze. Why did she have to apologize for someone else's mistake?

"Are you going to apologize? I've been waiting for you for so long."

Chen hansheng urged.

Shen youchu hesitated. then, if I say sorry, will you feel better? "  

that's right, " Chen hansheng replied. hurry up and tell me.

After a while, the silly Shen youchu actually apologized.

"I'm, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"Oh, then where did you go wrong?"

Chen hansheng asked immediately. He had already returned to the finance department. The temperature was particularly cold, so he put on his coat and ran to the dormitory.

"Where did I go wrong?"