Xiao Chen's mood changes

"Who won?"

Xiao rongyu was stunned for a long time. Xiao Chen, you have a strange way of thinking. Why do students decide who wins and who loses in a fight? what are you thinking? "

Chen hansheng thought to himself that there was no first in literature and no second in martial arts, so there were definitely wins and losses in fights. However, if he said that, he would definitely be nagged at, so he changed his way of speaking."Oh, I made a mistake. Is anyone hurt?"

"I'm not sure, they're all in the school doctor's office now." Little Yu 'er said.

At this time, Xiaoyu also called and explained it in a clearer way.

shuyun brought people to the dormitory to promote, but they were repeatedly rejected and even refused to enter. After asking around, we found out that it was Cai Feng who was behind this. He used his influence as a Student Union cadre to resist rocket 101.