371, I want to hug you

After leaving Dean Mo's house, Chen hansheng and Kong Jing met up again at Jiangnan University. The local Shen Tong express delivery and Alliance business were also there.

These were all people who wanted to do practical things and make money. Driven by a common goal, it was easy to formulate a cooperation framework to open up the jiangda express delivery market. Of course, rocket 101 was the main force, and the Alliance provided assistance.

When he got up the next morning, Chen hansheng found that the ground was wet. The spring rain was like thousands of silver threads, falling from the light south wind. The small bridges and flowing water houses in Wuxi were covered with a thin layer of gauze in the rain, making people reverie.

this is the graceful Jiangnan. If you condense it into a poem, you'll never get tired of it.

Chen hansheng sighed and then said goodbye to Kong Jing. "Sister Jing, I'll have to trouble you for the rest."