The temperature of a bowl of duck blood vermicelli soup

"I'm willing to fulfill your request no matter how many times you ask."

Chen hansheng walked over and gave Zheng Guanyu a gentle hug. His hands and feet were clean, as if he was giving warmth to a real best friend.

"Welcome back, Princess in distress."

"And thank you for picking me up, scumbag Chen."

"Let's go," he said.

Chen hansheng helped her carry her luggage and asked, ""Are you hungry?"

I want to eat warm duck blood vermicelli, fried buns, and lamb skewers, " Zheng Guanyu replied cheekily. do you have any? "

Chen hansheng did not say anything. He pointed to the time on his watch-2:40 am. Then, he stepped on the gas and left lukou airport.

What he meant was that there was no midnight snack at this time.

Zheng guanlin smiled nonchalantly as he watched the brightly-lit lukou airport gradually disappear into the distance. The highway was very quiet, with only the dim street lights and the occasional " whoosh " of high-end cars passing xiali.