The first person to leave

"Are you a friend?"

Xiao rongyu asked curiously after Chen hansheng returned to the clothing store.

"Yes, an acquaintance from the television station."

"She and her boyfriend even complimented you for being pretty," Chen hansheng said with a smile.

"Tsk, I don't believe you."

Xiao rongyu lifted her chin proudly, but she was still quite happy. She continued to help Chen hansheng pick out clothes.

Unlike Chen hansheng's calm lie, ye Qiming was actually a little flustered, and her pace unconsciously quickened.

The young man looked back a few times and then asked, ""Is he called Chen hansheng?"

"Ah, you guys know each other?"

Ye Zhi became even more nervous.

"He's so famous, of course I know him."

The young man smiled. he's the entrepreneurial star of the University students in Jianye city. I'm from the Jiangling district government's publicity department. I've even written some articles about him.

"I see."