The last bit of money in 2004

Kong Jing and Wen Ling had really gone on a trip to relax, but the other employees might not think so.

All college students had one thing in common, and the speed at which gossip spread was very fast. Soon, the news about " Shen Tong company plans to terminate the cooperation, rocket 101's future is uncertain " had spread among the college students who were working part-time in Jian Mo.

The specific reason was, of course, Liu Pengfei, the traitor.

Initially, the staff at the headquarters had been waiting for Chen hansheng to turn the tide. They did not expect that in the end, the company's second-in-command, Kong Jing, would be the first to " escape.

Although Chen hansheng's reason was " traveling, " no one believed it. Who didn't have a smart brain? this was obviously a way of phrasing it.

"Xiaoyu, you're chief Chen's trusted aide. Go and find out more about the situation."

Huang Hui encouraged Yan Xiaoyu.