Chen hansheng, who is becoming more and more unreliable

As the saying went,"men strive for vindication, and Buddha shall receive an incense stick."

In the beginning, Hong shiyong did not intend to go against shell electronics in court. He only heard that a new electronics factory had opened next door. People in the same industry were enemies to begin with. In the end, after asking around, he found out that the construction layout of the two companies was similar.

New era's designs were made by Hong Kong designers, not the style of the mainland. Putting aside the level of skill, it was obvious that nuke electronics had plagiarized it.

Not only did he plagiarize, but his attitude was also very unyielding. He tore up the lawyer's letter in an insulting manner. In addition, the district leader dealt with it in a way of " mediating the dispute. he also had to deal with Zheng Guanyu's delay and making things difficult for him.