A rogue's business, a rogue's boss

"We know that this is a difficult dispute."

Shen mingliang understood when he saw the fear on the lawyers 'faces. When the torn letters were sent back, he had seen Hong shiyong's stiff face.

to save time, send out a lawyer's letter first.

"If there's any progress, we'll talk about the rest." Shen mingliang glanced around.

Xiao rongyu and the others were all smart and understood what Shen mingliang meant. If shell electronics tore up the letter from Rongsheng law firm again, there was no need to talk anymore.

"Secretary Shen, we need to discuss this."

"At most 15 minutes," Gao Wen replied after some thought.

"It's fine."

"You can call me senior Shen. My wife and I are both graduates of Jian ye Normal University." Shen mingliang was very polite.

After the four golden flowers left, only Chen hansheng and Shen mingliang were left in the meeting room.