Boys who like to smile usually have good luck

Chen hansheng saw Xiao rongyu's "?" slowly. He couldn't help but grin, thinking to himself,'sweet little fish, do you know what it means to walk another person's path and leave them with no way out?'

"Ta ta ta ..."

Chen hansheng picked up his phone and replied again.

Chen hansheng: " what does a question mark mean? Xiao rongyu, you've changed. You weren't like this before!

Xiao rongyu,"Xiao Chen, it's strange for you to say that. Besides, is it my fault?"

Chen hansheng: " you're not wrong. How could you be wrong? it's all my fault. I didn't expect you to be the campus Belle of Eastern University. From now on, don't contact me anymore. I want to be alone.

Xiao rongyu,"Xiao Chen, I'll give you one last chance."

Chen hansheng,"you actually shouted at me?" I dare you to yell at me again.

Xiao rongyu said,"I'm going to tell aunt Liang."

Chen hansheng: " oh my, I was just joking. I'm sorry. I apologize.