Take a guess, am I Kong Jing's husband?

Hello, is this the hotel front desk? I accidentally broke a cup. Come over and clean it up.

Although the action of smashing the cup was very handsome, the action of reporting for repair was still very heartbreaking.

While the hotel staff was cleaning the porcelain pieces, Chen hansheng was worried that he would have too many things to do when he went back, so he went to the window and contacted second mother Mo.

"Han Sheng, you were looking for me?"

Mo ke was probably watching TV because she could hear the sounds of Chinese opera coming from the receiver.

"Aunty mo, I heard that you've been ill recently. How are you doing?"

Chen hansheng asked.

"I heard it from your father. It's just a small heart problem. He'll be fine after a few days of rest."

Mo ke's voice was calm and steady. After all, she used to be the Dean of a University. Even though she was now the Head of the Department of Education, her words and manners were still friendly.