785, shell electronics in trouble

Chen hansheng returned to the hotel. Before entering the elevator, he sniffed at the smell of gunpowder on his body, but he did not care much about it. When he was shopping at the headmaster's temple, he had already gotten a little bit of it.

He was the one who had set off the fireworks in the eastern University Girls 'dormitory building. He did not think much of it, he just wanted to " settle the score ".

Even if they broke up, they had to be fair!

After entering the room, Shen youchu was still knitting. Her lifestyle was very simple. The order of her life was from home to friends to career, and Chen hansheng was undoubtedly the most important factor in her family.

"I was going to buy it, but then I thought there would be a smell in the house, so I finished it in the shop."

Chen hansheng had spent more than 20 minutes going down, but his hands were still empty. However, his reasons were easy to come up with, and they were well-founded.

"Oh ~"