How to turn a disadvantageous situation into an advantageous one?

Just as Chen hansheng was analyzing the 'surprise inspection', the Secretary received two more phone calls and said anxiously, " commander Chen, it doesn't seem to be an ordinary inspection. The leaders of the three departments personally came over. Jiangling District didn't receive any notice. Sister Jing is also asking around for the reason.

"Don't be in such a hurry."

Chen hansheng frowned and said with certainty, " the shell will be fine. It's an era of stability and efficiency now. Although fire control, labor, and tax rights are great, it's impossible to have a substantial impact on us. I feel that it's more like an anti-aircraft cannon hitting a mosquito. There's something fishy about it.

"What's the reason?"

This was the first time the Secretary had encountered such a situation. She had dealt with government departments before, and both sides had been very friendly.

"I'll go make a few calls."