Going abroad is not the end of the world

This time, the vomiting was especially severe. Xiao rongyu even had to stop the car by the side of the road to slowly recover from the symptoms.

Two minutes later, the bright red Chevrolet finally started up again and picked Xie wanqiu and Liu Xiaomeng up at the entrance of their University.

wow, I haven't seen you in a while. Little Yu 'er, you've learned how to drive too. Chen hansheng can be lazy in the future.

After Liu Xiaomeng got into the car, she could not help but crack a joke when she saw that Xiao rongyu was the driver.

"You can't call him Chen hansheng now. You have to call him President Chen."

Xie wanqiu chuckled. Xiaomi electronics has a driver's seat. Shell electronics must have one too. Boss Chen doesn't even need to touch the steering wheel.

The two high school classmates did not know about the relationship between Chen hansheng and Xiao rongyu, so they continued to tease each other as usual.