Senior brother Chen, why are you getting better at kissing?

After hanging up the call with Luo Xuan, Chen hansheng and Wang Zibo got into a seven-seater van. It was the company's Annual Meeting that night, and the gathering location was a four-star hotel in the center of Jiangling.

After this Annual Meeting, shell electronics also began to take a break in an orderly manner. However, because of the triple pay for overtime during the spring Festival, many people stayed behind in addition to the staff who were on duty.

Wang Zibo saw Chen hansheng frowning and guessed that it had something to do with junior sister Luo's phone call. He asked, " Xiao Chen, it must be tiring for you to be associated with so many girls with different personalities.

"How is that possible?"

"You can't imagine how happy I am," Chen hansheng would never admit it.
