852, Zibo, Chen hansheng and I had a fight, who will you help?

After more than ten hours of flight, Chen hansheng and Bian Shishi arrived at lukou airport in jianmo at about 5 p.m. Domestic time.

Wang Zibo was already waiting at the International arrival hall. He wasn't short and could see his best friend in sunglasses and that slim figure from afar.

"Little Chen!"

Wang Zibo first greeted Chen hansheng loudly, and then, as if there was a switch in his throat, his voice suddenly became softer, and there was a hint of ridicule in his tone, ""You're back."

This sentence was directed at Bian Shishi. This kind of 'no subject' conversation usually existed between couples, lovers, and husband and wife.

Just like how Chen hansheng often called Shen youchu " hey " and Xiao rongyu " that ".

The conversation between Empress Dowager Liang and Lao Chen was even simpler. Perhaps it was because they had been married for decades, but Liang meijuan only needed to " cough " to know what she was going to say.

"Oh, I'm back."