853, Shen youchu gained a pound


Wang Zibo was taken aback. Shishi's logic was very strange. A normal girlfriend would ask questions like " if your mother and I fell into the river, who would you save first? " why would she compare him with Chen hansheng?

"Just say it."

Bian Shishi saw that Wang Zibo didn't reply for a long time and couldn't help but urge him, as if the answer was very important to her.

"Um ... Uh ..."

Wang Zibo stammered for a long time before he finally scratched his head and said, Xiao Chen won't quarrel with you because you're too smart. Xiao Chen doesn't quarrel with smart people. He said that he likes to bully idiots like Hu linyu.

"Who is Hu linyu?"

Bian Shi Shi asked immediately. No matter what kind of girl they were, as long as they heard the name of another girl from their boyfriend, they would be highly focused.

"Shen, Shen youchu's good friend."