Chen hansheng's "observation period"

The nanny made a bowl of hot egg noodles. Xiao rongyu did not go downstairs while Chen hansheng was gobbling down the food, but her " mother-in-law " Lu Yuqing sat beside her and chatted with her about business.

There were still some differences between Lu Yuqing and Liang meijuan. Liang meijuan was a more pure housewife. Her mind was completely focused on her husband and son, and she rarely paid attention to national affairs or industry policies.

Lu Yuqing was a regular university student in the early days. Later, he became a unit leader. Sometimes, even though he might not be completely correct in his words, his standard was still very good.

As such, the family that Xiao Hongwei and Lu Yuqing formed was the kind that Wang Zibo was envious of. Parents were educated and respected each other when communicating with their children. Children from such families were generally more confident. Xiao rongyu was a typical example.