873, can't let go and can't forget

"Hahahaha ..."

Hearing Miller's answer, Chen hansheng could not help but laugh. you're quite funny. I won't keep you for lunch. You're not allowed to disturb sis Wu and tangtang in the future. Get out of here.

These words were full of Chen hansheng's arrogance. Xiao rongyu did not translate it directly, but she did not show any courtesy either. She clearly expressed that " don't disturb sister Wu and Tang Tang " and went back to professor sun's side to continue studying.

After Miller left, Chen hansheng suddenly felt bored. He could not work here, and no one was paying attention to him. He fidgeted around uneasily for a while, then suddenly stood up."I'm going to walk around the streets and see if there are any creative products that I can use as a reference."

"You don't understand English. Be careful not to get lost."

mother-in-law " Lu Yuqing kindly reminded her from the side.

"Aunt Lu, don't talk nonsense. My Eagle language is very good."