World War 2

June 4, 1942. After the invasion of the Philippines and the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States of America declared war against the growing power; The Japanese Empire.

1944, The Naval battle that will change the world order, the current power, and the winner of all wars. The Battle of Leyte Gulf.

It was the first battle in which the Japanese aircraft carried the organized kamikaze and also the last battle between battleships.

It is also considered to be the largest naval battle in the history of mankind.

This concludes from retaking the Philippines and to fulfill the promise which McArthur said.

"I shall return"

With the massive amount of ships, numbering around 700. The Japanese formed a firm defense line because of their lack of capital ships.

But alas, three days after the battle. It ended, with the favor of the US and its allied forces and the collapse of the Japanese invading navies.

Thus, beginning the retaking of the Philippines.

But it was then...

A thundering sound spread across the skies as it darkened with little to no light can be seen.

Thick clouds emerge from the top and lightning strikes as a hole formed at the center of it.

It was then...

The worst possible way they could even think of...

The trump card of the Japanese Empire... Is what they thought.

With the emergence of the hole, a loud bang can be heard across. Different from the former, it was as if a trumpet was being blown by mysterious gods.

Is it Judgement day? Is it the end of the world? Or is it just another scheme of the Imperial Japanese?

Every one of them asked themselves as they stare at the beautiful yet terrifying formation of the clouds.

*Lugrious! APERTA!*

As if a god just spoke. A thundering voice was heard among those near and even those far from the mysterious hole.



Their question grew more and more as things gets worse. The US and the allied soldiers which should be retaking the nearby town had stopped and mesmerized the hole as if being controlled by someone.

But, it's not only happening in one place.

15 different countries. At the same time with the occurrence. Holes in the form of clouds appeared making those people stare at it with visible admiration but at the same time a terrifying look.

*Lugrious! APERTA!*

Again, and again, and again...

Every similar word, yet unknown to humans can be heard. Only those who know and have some knowledge can guess.

It's not the Judgement day, it's not the Second Birth of Christ. Instead, it's the opening of a new enemy, an ally, in a different world they knew nothing about.

October 27, 1944. 1400 hours. Similar gates, different locations. But inside one of the most dangerous places on earth. The countries in which located... Inside the Ring of Fire.