Chapter 41

"Hey, Theo! Are you really dating that pretty omega from 1-C?" One of Theodore's classmates asked as soon as the alpha stepped foot into their classroom.

Theodore just looked at him and his friends with a blank expression on his face.

"Dude, I told you not to ask him. You made him mad," one of his friends whispered as he nudged him. "I just wanted to know. Is it so wrong to ask?" The other guy whispered back.

'They do realize I can hear them, right? Their voices are too loud that it would be more surprising if I didn't hear them,' Theodore thought as he looked at them.

'My mom wants me to be good, so I should answer them politely like what I've always done before,' he thought.

"We're not dating, but you're right about him being pretty," Theodore smiled and walked to his seat.

"Dude, did you see that?" One of them whispered as he held his chest. "Yeah, bro. I did," the other responded.