Chapter 42


There are 3 things that I learned about Yuri as we spent some time with each other.

1. He's a heavy sleeper.

I've always gone to my classroom earlier than him so I didn't notice this before until I decided to wait for him every morning.

"Kriing! Kriing! Kriing!"

That's the 8th time his alarm has rung his morning. I just started counting today because I couldn't fathom the thought of having so many alarms ringing every few minutes.

I can't believe people with so many alarms actually exist.

I sat up from my bed and chuckled softly. "I guess I have to thank my past self for being an early bird," I mumbled to myself and got off of my bed as I ran my fingers through my hair.

If I woke up this late back then, I might have gotten more pissed at him back then. I would have probably picked on him a lot if he ruined my sleep.