Princess of the Battlefield

The crowd hear the commotions and gather around to check what's happening. "I heard there's a man violates the law of the empire".

"Whoa? He got some guts huh." crowds chatting.

"Sirs that's him. He attack us and kidnapped the lady" The stranger that he finger attacked said.

The soldiers look at the surroundings and see the crowds watching them "This our spot light. We need to catch this criminal" the soldier whispers to the others.


Arthur has been surrounded by several soldiers.

"You have been reported attacking and kidnapping a citizen of Pendragon empire! Surrender yourself so you won't get hurt!".

"Wait wait wait I didn't do anything. I just save a l..." Before Arthur can finish his sentence, one of the soldiers attack him with a grappling.

Arthur quickly react and do a sidestep to dodge his grab "Wait there's a misunderstanding here. I didn't do any...".

The soldiers didn't hear his story and continue to attack him and the other unsheathes their weapon.

Arthur sees that they're not gonna listen to him and do his fighting stance to defend himself.

The first one slash him at the front. Arthur jump back and look back to the other soldier who's gonna stab him. Arthur deflect the hand of the soldier to redirect the sword's stab and step back again. Another soldier stab him on his side Arthur spins to dodge the sword and do a spinning back kick at the hand of the soldier causing him to release his sword. The two other soldier hesitate to attack because of what Arthur's can do.

Arthur analyzing the soldiers while they're fighting and figure out that they're a low level soldiers 'Their attacks are predictable and slow. Maybe they're low level soldiers but I don't want any more trouble. I can't attack them'.

"He's a spy! The way he fight is too good. Ready to kill him!" The soldier shouts.

"Wait! He's not a spy. He save my life." The lady Arthur save shows up and shout.

The soldiers stop and looks at the woman. They're stiffens on what they see and salute "P... Pri... PRINCESS ASTRID!".

With her long black hair, amber eyes and her beauty. She's easy to recognize.

"Whoa is that the princess of battlefield commander Astrid?" People of the crowds murmurs.

"What princess? I'm your commander." Astrid hits the head of the soldiers.

She's strolling in the city with a magical cloak to change her appearance when the two players block her and Arthur saved her.

"He's not a criminal or a spy. He save me when this two strangers block me and attempt to attack me." Pointing to the two players.

Arthur calm down, fix his clothes and look at the soldiers "Told you.".

"I'm sorry prin... commander Astrid. Quickly apprehend those two rascals! They're crimes are equal to death" The head of five soldiers order the other four.

"No no please! We didn't know she's a princess. We just want to know her name" The two players begs the soldiers.

"Shut up! Because of you two we nearly lose our job!"

*Slap! Slap!*

"She's our commander." The head of the soldiers slaps them. They're apprehended and will be threw to the prison to wait for their death.

"What are you looking at? Go and do your things now." The soldiers shouts on the crowds and they quickly scatters away.

Astrid walks to Arthur "You quickly left. I didn't have the chance to say thank you for saving me but you know I really can handle them myself.".

'Wow she's much beautiful than before. So she's a commander. She can command my heart.' Arthur mesmerized by Astrid beauty. He look and smiles at her. Like a man seeing her love of his life.

"You know I can fight too... Hey hey are you listening?" Waving at Arthur's face.

Arthur returns to his self and quickly bow to her "Princess... I mean commander Astrid.".

"Rise... I don't need that kind of gestures. I'm a military commander not a princess.

I'm quite amazed when I see you fought five of them. They humiliated themselves in front of the crowds.".

"Pr... Commander, I just defended. I am sorry if they feel humiliated.".

"Just call me Astrid and That's ok. They're the wrong one. I apologize for them. They're newly enrolled soldiers. They hastily judge you." Astrid apologize at Arthur and bow.

"Comm... Astrid please stop bowing. I already forgive them and they didn't hit me so there's no need for apologize.".

"That's why I didn't stop them immediately. You looks like a level zero but you're amazing." She's impressed by Arthur fight.

"Would you like to spar with me?" She invites Arthur for a spar for curiosity.

'I guess this is an event? I should accept this' Arthur thought.

"I would like too Astrid." They leave the place and go the soldiers training ground.

"Who's that man? Why he's following Princess Astrid, I mean commander Astrid?".

The soldiers quickly calls the other and gathers around "

"Whoaa! Check this out! Commander is going to spar an unknown man.".

"Our commander really is a princess. So beautiful yet so deadly.".

"Before we start may I know your name?" Astrid asks.

Arthur politely answer "I'm Arthur".

"Ok Arthur. Let's do a duel mode so our levels will be equal to each other. Skills are all matter in a duel.".

"That's sounds good to me. Remember I'm strong.".


Arthur choose a sword as a weapon same as Astrid. They do their own fighting stance and waiting for the oppenents to move.

Arthur choose to initiate the attack and dash toward to Astrid. He do a frontal stab to check Astrid strength. Astrid casually parry his attack and do a front kick that Arthur blocks using his hand.

"Ouch... That kick was heavy commander." He quickly dash again after what he says.

Both Arthur and Astrid attacking and defending at the same for at least ten minutes but Arthur is taking the damage most. Astrid predicting his move and the way she counter attack him is way too unexpected. At the last moment Astrid cast a skill.

[Lighting Strikes]

Astrid speed instantly change and attack Arthur in all directions almost simultaneously.

[Astrid wins!]

Astrid won with three fourth of her HP.

Arthur is lying on the ground and gasping for air

*gasp gasp gasp*

'So that's why she's the Princess of the Battlefield. Beauty and deadly'.

Astrid is still standing casually. Smiling and looking at him "That was a nice fight. In terms of sword fighting".

Reaching her hand to help Arthur. Arthur takes her hand to stand up and smile back at her. "You're way too strong for me commander".

Arthur and Astrid casually chats for awhile and when they leaving the training ground a male knight calls Astrid. "Lady Astrid!".

"Yes Roy, what do you need?" Astrid reply.

"You didn't attend our war meeting. The other commanders are still waiting for you before we start.".

"Right! I forgot about that hehe." Astrid pats Roy shoulder and smile apologetically.

"Arthur I need to leave now duty calls" Astrid waves goodbye to Arthur and leave.

[Astrid intimacy + 10

Roy intimacy -30]

Arthur smiles when he saw Astrid intimacy points increases but he sees another one falls. 'What the?..'

Roy the knight glares at him intensely and says "You buffoon, don't ever get near to lady Astrid again. I don't want her reputation will be tarnished because of you or else...".

Roy quickly follow Astrid after his threats. "What's the problem of that guy?

Hehehe princess Astrid. A plus ten intimacy HUWAHAHAHA" Arthur do his signature pose and laugh when he sees he's alone.

Suddenly an announcement shocked the whole world even Arthur.

[World Announcement: An anonymous obtained a legendary skills.

Title given: The First Legend]