The Impossible Quest (1)

"D**n... I forgot my purpose for playing TNW. Women charms are really scary.

I need to get serious. That announcement will trigger a fire on the other players who are aiming for the top too."

Arthur check his stats before leaving the area. "Character window".

A holographic pop up shows up in front of him.

[ Character Window

Name: Arthur Class: None

Species: Human Level: 0

Exp: 0/100 Reputation: 0

Title: None

Equipments: Newbie's shirt 5/10, Newbie's pants 5/10

Health: 200 Mana: 200

Attack: 100 Defense: 100

Strength: 10 Agility: 10

Intelligent: 10 Stamina: 10

Endurance: 10

Intimacy: Astrid 10, Roy -30 ]

"How unlucky... I didn't get any stats or skills from fighting Astrid. I guess she's not an event or quest NPC..." When Arthur is leaving the training ground a soldier calls him.

"Hey you! Are you Arthur?" The arrogant soldier asks.

"It is me. May I ask you why?" Arthur politely reply.

"Commander give this to you. It's for the trouble she'd cause and change your ragged clothes she said."

Commander Astrid is only using her five person skills before. So don't let head gets big" The soldier throws something to him and leave.

Arthur catches the item.

[ You received a gold coin. ]

After receiving the coin a pop up shows in front of him.

[ Hidden quest completed.

Description: Duel a commander of the Pendragon empire at least for ten minutes using sword.

Title received: The Talented Swordsman

Title effect: Strength +2, Agility +2, Stamina +2 and Endurance +2

Passive skill received: Swordmanship level 0 ]

"Whoaa! HAHAHA" Arthur laughs loudly because of his excitement and grips the gold coin

"Everything is calculated by me haha." He bit the gold coin to check if it's real.


"Hah! It's really a gold coin. Library fee solve. Lets check our stats. Character window.".

[ Character Window

Name: Arthur Class: None

Species: Human Level: 0

Exp: 0/100 Reputation: 0

Title: The Talented Swordsman

Equipments: Newbie's shirt 5/10, Newbie's pants 5/10

Health: 240 Mana: 200

Attack: 120 Defense: 120

Strength: 10 (+2) Agility: 10 (+2)

Intelligent: 10 Stamina: 10 (+2)

Endurance: 10 (+2)

Intimacy: Astrid 10, Roy -30 ]

Arthur smiles while checking his stats. He sees the durability of his equipment that looks like a ragged clothes. "Oh that's why she said buy a clothes.".

Arthur left the field and happily walks to the library. After a short while, he arrive at his destination. "Here's a one gold. I want to enter the library please.".

The receptionist checks him from head to toe and gives him a card pass "Hold onto this card pass. If this card leaves your body you will be automatically teleports outside the library. You can also stay inside the library however long you want. There's no time limit but if you walk outside, you need to surrender the card pass.".

Arthur nod and enter the library. He quickly notice the smell of books and papers lingering around. The towering bookshelves containing thousands of book each. He also notice that the people inside the library looks like scholars and they also notices him.

One of the scholar mumble "Who is that ragged clothing man? Did he sneak inside?".

"No one can sneak here. Just ignore him." Another scholar said.

"This is an awe-inspiring library. I can see myself here forever. Finding the book I need." Arthur sarcastically said.

'Tragic...' Suddenly a vivid feeling he want to go the tragic genre bookshelves.

Arthur ask the receptionist where to find the tragic genre bookshelves the receptionist says "Fourth floor bookshelves S to Z".

'This is good. Soooo good! A selves containing at least a thousands of books!'. Arthur thank the receptionist with his broken smile thinking about the time his gonna waste for finding the book he need.

Arthur has been reading books for a whole day now and it's already been the second day of TNW inside the game.

** Real World and TNW time is 1:3. So one day in the real world is equivalently to 3 days in TNW **

Arthur can feel his hunger and and exhaustion for reading books the whole day but he still continue on what he's doing.

[ World Announcement: An anonymous obtained a legendary skill ]

Suddenly a world announcement pop up again and shows that another player obtain legendary skill.

"What the?!.. The information said is not easy to find a legendary classes or skills but it's only been two days and I'm here reading books and still level 0.".

[ -1 HP...

Due to starvation, every one minute your hp will decrease by one.]

"D**n it what a weak body. I can starve for a whole three days playing game but this body can't even handle one day". Arthur complains and continue to read books.

He's sweating while reading because of nervousness because if he died there he need to gather a money again for the entrance fee and will affect his plan for being a top ranker and finding items to sell, for his mother medicals in the future.

Arthur suddenly notice that there's a mysterious old man checking out what he's reading. Arthur stands up in surprise and hits the old man chin "Whoaa!".


The falls down on the floor and starts to massage his aching chin.

"I... I'm sorry sir. You surprised me." Arthur help the old man to stand up and apologize.

Still massaging his chin "Hoho that's ok young man. I just got intrigued on what you're reading.".

[ -1 HP ]

Arthur's hp is only now at 25. He think of giving up for now and start again when he got another money for the entrance fee but the old man talk.

"Young man, even when your health is deteriorating you still keep on reading book. I'm impressed! Let me help you".

The old man chant and write an ancient text on the air "Spirit of light, hear my call HEAL!".

[HP +75

Hunger is now alleviates]

Arthur's hp instantly increase to full health again and his lesser hunger than before.

The old man gets a bread from his storage ring gives it to Arthur "Here young man, eat this. I have a suggestion for you. I know you're reading tragic story books. I know one that will make you cry. It's on the 27th shelf in the 4th floor. The title of the book is Hide and Seek".

The old man leaves him alone and Arthur eats the bread while contemplating about what the old man said

[Hunger is now gone]

"There's nothing to lose. Lets check it out." Arthur decides to check what the old man said.

Arthur arrives at the 27th shelf and sees the book titled Hide and Seek. When he touches it his vision instantly gone black.

[ Quest: Solve the mystery. ]

A pop up notification tells him that he accept a quest and we open his eyes he saw a creepy house in front of him. Arthur can feel the death aura even he's outside. He slowly stretches his body "Alright!... No no no no no I can't do this!".

Arthur quickly run away but he was block by a force field. "Cancel quest! Abandon quest!".

[ Quest can't be abandon. ]

A single notification destroy his thoughts of escaping and realizes a thing. "F**ck it's a force quest.".