The Duel of Two Noobs

At the front of Duel Arena seven of them stop.

"Alright let's do a rock, paper, scissors. The winner will have the right to choose his opponent first and the winner of the duel will fight master.

Remember rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper and paper beats rock."

"We already know that. Let's start... Arthur pair up with me." Lancelot call Arthur for rock, paper, scissors.

"Haha no one can beat me in this game.. Rock, paper, scissors.".

Arthur choose rock and Lancelot choose paper. A one game round

"Boom ez win hahaha! Arthur lose to me in one try!" Lancelot walk towards the other to brag his one try win.

Galahad and Gawain also start to play. After eight tries Galahad finally wins against Gawain but when they check Percival and Berdivere they still playing. Their hands moves really fast leaving a afterimage.

"Master how many times did they do it?" Arthur ask JustNoOne.

"They're in forty times now and still increasing." JustNoOne casually response while still looking at the two. Who are still in match.

Rock, rock, scissors, rock, paper, paper, paper, scissors...

The two of them throws the same combination for at least five minutes until Percival comedically throws an invalid move "SPOCK!".

Their five audience pupil dilates in shock when they so Percival moves "WHAAAAAAAT?!!".

"Hey hey I don't know that move. You're cheating" Berdivere quickly complains.

"No no no. When the game takes too long the rules will change.

Scissors decapitate Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors."

**Imagine Sheldon Cooper explaining it**

"D**n I love that series. Ok you win it's only a game." Berdivere didn't mind Percival cheated on their game.

"Hahaha good good. Now winners will choose their opponents for the first round of round robin duel.

I will take the honor to start and choose Berdivere again" Percival says.

"I'll fight Arthur. This weakling will be my punching bag." Galahad follow up.

"I don't have any choice. Anyway Gawain will be my opponent." Lancelot answers.

'Hoho now I can test my legendary skill." Arthur excitedly check his Eye of Foresight info. He faintly say "Skill Info Eye of Foresight"

[ Skill Info:

Skill Name: Eye of Foresight (Legendary)

Description: One of the five legendary eyes. When five of them combine God's eyes skill will be obtain

Mana for activating: 200

Mana cost per second: 100 ]

Arthur finally notice the mana consumption of Foresight skill "Eh? Ehhhh!?. That's way too high... still need to try it's my only skill."

"We will start the duel. Come Gawain let me see your archery skills here at TNW." Lancelot says with his arrogant attitude.

"My arrow will be in your skull after this duel haha." Gawain answers him with same attitude.

All seven of them enter the building of duel arena. They see the majestic sculptures of arena champion for each year in sequence.

The artistic way of the flooring so clean and magnificent.

Unexpectedly the smell inside the building smells good and not sweat.

They slowly walk toward the receptionist while checking the building.

"Hi, we would like to use an arena for our duel." Percival humbly says.

"Good Morning sir, you can use the arena one. or you can free choose any arena at the public zone except the VIP zone arena. Payments are needed if you want VIP arena." The receptionist says.

Percival thank her and seven of them go straight to the arena one.

Lancelot and Gawain step inside the arena and place themselves ten meters apart facing each other while the others stand on the outside to observe them.

Lancelot touch the hilt of sword on his side while Gawain prepare his bow, get an arrow on his back and starts to draw his bow.

The arena automatically recognize their duel. Notification pops in front of them.

[ Duel Arena:

Rules: Opponent HP must reach to zero to determine the winner.

The losing side will be automatically teleports outside the arena. ]

Once the read the info they immediately do they fighting stance and wait for countdown

[ The duel will start in




Duel! ]

Lancelot immediately dash toward Gawain while still holding sheathed katana.

Gawain standing still aiming for Lancelot and casts a skill "Dualshot".

Gawain awkwardly move to get arrows and shot Lancelot two times.

"That idiot... reliant to his character skills and not his." Arthur look at JustNoOne who's talking.

"As you know skills and spells are only a guide to activate what REAL skills or spell you want to use. Unlike in some movies, if you gain skills, You silly automatically learned it but in TNW, if you gain a skill you still need to learn it using the guide shows when activating the skills. It's like a future self of you doing the skills or spells." JustNoOne explains.

"Yeah I already know that master. Why are you explaining it to me?" Arthur says.

"I... Then why did you look at me!" JustNoOne shouts at Arthur.

"Am I not allowed to?" Arthur reply to him and receive a hit on the back of his head because of that.

Scratching his back head Arthur return his attention to the arena.

Lancelot sees Gawain awkwardly drawing his bow and shoot him. He quickly unsheathes his sword and deflect the arrows using his sword.

When he shorted the distance between him and Galahad he casts a skill to attack "Quick Slash".

Lancelot awkwardly stop. He unsheathes his sword and slash Gawain but because of Lancelot delayed attack Gawain already creates a space between them and shoot Lancelot.

Arthur and the others watches them while holding their laughter.

"Pfft did you see that? For sure Lancelot used a skill just now." Arthur pointing at Lancelot.

While Arthur trash talking the two. The others are shaking their head because of embarrassment.

JustNoOne veins on his face almost pop out because of anger "This two! They have forgotten their training!".

Arthur can't contain his laughter anymore "HAHAHAHA! IDIOTS! What are you two doing? HAHAHAHA! Argh...".

JustNoOne hits him again on the head.

Lancelot and Gawain heard Arthur's laughter. They look at him and see JustNoOne face bulging in anger.

'Oh oh... I need to get serious' Both of them thought.

They jump back and close their eyes so refresh their mindset. After a couple of seconds both of them open their eyes.

Lancelot initiate the fight, he dash toward Gawain and ready to attack without using skill.

Gawain unexpectedly dash forward with his bow and arrow. He shoot Lancelot three times in a row the other two gets deflect using his katana and the other one gaze Lancelot's leg.

[-15 HP]

Lancelot receives a damage. He endures the pain on his leg. He sheath his katana again and continue to dash to shorten their distance. When Gawain is on his attack range Lancelot hold his scabbard and his katana hilt. His dashing speed instantly increases and draw his katana and slash vertically.

[-79 HP]

Gawain receives a deep cut on his shoulders but before that he already predicted Lancelot's position shoot upward.

Lancelot is already behind Gawain sheathing his katana "Haha you're no match for argh..."

[Critial hit -100]

[Gawain Wins!]