Duel Like a Pro

[ Gawain Win! ]

Lancelot teleports outside the arena.

"Like I told you before... Arrow in your skull." Gawain coolly pose.

"Hey idiot quickly move your ass here now and you too Lancelot!" JustNoOne calls them.

Lancelot and Gawain quickly move toward JustNoOne and stop in front of him.

"What kind of fight is that? Did you two forgot my teachings? Don't be dependent on your character skills you two can do more things than that and if you ever want to use your character skills train it first ok?" JustNoOne lecture the two like master and disciple relationship.

"Yes master!" Both of them answer.

"Go Percival and Berdivere. Show them the right way of duel." JustNoOne says.

Both Percival and Berdivere walk toward the arena and place themselves ten meters apart to each other.

Percival get his hammer behind his back. He holds his hammer and place it on his shoulder while waiting for the countdown

Berdivere unsheathes his both dagger and do his fighting stance.

[ The duel will start in




Duel! ]

They run towards to each other when they hear the duel announces.

Percival quickly casts a skill with almost unnoticeable delay "Ground Smash".

Berdivere loses his balance and see an incoming hammer above his head.

He regains his balance and quickly sidestep to dodge the hammer and throw one of his dagger at Percival.

Percival fast enough to pull his hammer back and block the dagger. He counter attack with a forward kick.

Berdivere crosses his arms to block the kick but he got thrown away by it force.

[ -15 HP ]

He roll backwards to reduce damage 'D**n he's really good'.

Percival didn't give Berdivere a breather. He keep rushing Berdivere and hammering his left and right.

[ -15 HP

- 15 HP

-15 HP ]

Berdivere keeps receiving damage but he patiently wait for the right time to attack.

He activates his skill and he an image of him of doing a kick on the hammer and spin. He quickly copy the move with 0.5 seconds delay.

He successfully kick the hammer aside causing Percival loses his balance. Berdivere spin to his side and stab the left side of Percival near his underarm.

[ -78 HP

Your right arm vein has been damage. You can't use your right arm. ]

The dagger stab paralyze Percival's arm causing him to release the hammer.

Berdivere feels that his dagger didn't reach Percival's heart and immediately feel his lose 'Tsk not enough...'.

Percival roars and quickly stomp at the handle of his hammer causing it to move upward and bash Berdivere head.

"What theeeee! IWWWWWW!" Arthur sees Berdivere explode

[ Percival wins! ]

"Waaaa my head!" After teleporting outside Berdivere shouts and check his head.

Percival's HP is now fully restored. He walk toward Berdivere and apologize for bashing his head "Hahaha sorry about that brother. You have force me to do that.".

"That's one hell of an experience. This will be my last dying to your hammer." Berdivere shakes his head forcing him to forget his experience.

The group walks toward them and congratulates them for having a wonderful fight.

*Clap! clap! clap!*

"You two didn't disappoint me. There are some cleaning to do but you two exceeded my expectations." JustNoOne appreciate their fight and compliments them.

"Thank you master!" Both of them replies.

"Galahad it's our turn let's go." A serious tone coming from Arthur.

"Whoaa..." The five idiots shocked when they heard Arthur 'So Arthur can be serious too.'.

"Alright I'm coming." Galahad follows him.

Arthur and Galahad also place themselves ten meters apart facing each other.

Arthur slowly prepare his weapons. He call out his sword and scabbard and out it on his back. He place his two daggers on his both sides and put his metal string on his belt.

Galahad quite awe when he saw Arthur call his weapons in his storage ring. 'That's quite convenient... I'm always wearing this knuckles it's annoying sometimes.'.

While Galahad day dreaming the duel countdown starts.

[ The duel will start in




Duel! ]

Galahad quickly dash toward Arthur and throw a punch on Arthur's face.

Arthur tried to cast his foresight causing him to lose all his mana and dizzy.


[ -35 HP ]

Arthur got thrown away by Galahad punch. He look at Galahad comedically while holding his aching cheeks.

"I'm still testing my skill. You're so mean!".

*Face palm*

Percival, Berdivere, Lancelot, Gawain and even JustNoOne facepalm themselves when they see and hear Arthur's action.

"Hahh... This guy is truly unpredictable." JustNoOne says.

"We know master... We know..." The other four shakes their head in embarrassment.

Arthur stands up and shake of the dust on his clothes. He casually do a come at me pose to Galahad like nothing ever happens.

Galahad forehead veins pop out and attack Arthur with a straight punch followed by an uppercut.

Arthur easily dodge it using a sidestep and a backward jump but while dodging he already tied his metal string to Galahad knuckle.

Arthur forcefully pull Galahad downward using the metal string causing Galahad to lose balance. He attack him with a knife throw but Galahad block it using his another knuckle.

While Galahad blocks the thrown knife the knuckle block his line of sight at Arthur.

Arthur silently move at his side and pulls out his sword and attack vertically.

[ - 10 HP ]

Galahad instinct is way better than the others. He unexpectedly move aside and only receive a gaze damage only. He evenly counter attack Arthur by pulling Arthur's sword towards him and throws multiple punches.

Arthur immediately let go of his sword and kick hilt of his sword.

[ - 50 HP ]

Galahad pupil dilated when he saw Arthur kick his sword causing it to thrust forcefully and stab him on his shoulder. 'What an eccentric move'.

Galahad pulls out Arthur's sword and quickly dash toward Arthur to return an attack.

"Mada mada dane..." An anime phrase comes out from Arthur's mouth when he saw Galahad already fallen from his trap.

He also dash forward to Galahad. He secretly pull his metal string but this time it is tied to his dagger the one he thrown out and his sword.

Arthur throws his last dagger at Galahad face. Galahad block it causing him to lose Arthur again.

Arthur slide down underneath Galahad and use his leg to stop himself. He catches the dagger connected to his metal string and quickly stab Galahad's left leg.

Galahad feel an intense pain on his left leg causing him to kneel with his one leg and when he look upward he sees Arthur already holding his sword and will stab him at his chest "You're to vicious haha.".


"Don't worry you will just respawn again."


Arthur pierce his sword to Galahad's heart.

[ Arthur wins! ]