
"HUWAHAHAHA!" Arthur celebrate doing his favorite pose while laughing.

After respawning, Galahad return to the group. "That guy... His 8th grade syndrome is kicking in.".

"Forget about that idiot and let's finish this quick.".

All seven of them fought each other and finally the scores are now complete.

JustNoOne 7 wins 0 defeat.

Arthur 6 wins 1 defeat

Percival 4 wins 3 defeats

Galahad 3 wins 4 defeats

Lancelot 3 wins 4 defeats

Berdivere 3 wins 4 defeats

Gawain 2 win 5 defeats

"Congratulations master. I'll do my best to support you." Arthur immediately congratulates JustNoOne for being the winner and will be the Guild Leader of their guild.

But the other five just silently looks at him while waiting for their master to response.

"Thank you but I'm not the Guild Leader here. It is you thou." JustNoOne innocently replies.

"Whaa... WHAAAAAAAT?! But You won all the duels. The rule is the highest duel wins will be the Guild Leader.".

Percival apologetically smiles at him and join their conversation "Ahmm master is only join to test out skills. He's not included in Guild Leader thing hehehe...".

'Haha that's what you get.'

'Hahaha the fish has bitten the bait oh yeah!'

'Don't worry your sacrifice will be remembered."

His five friends randomly thought about him while smiling widely.

'D*mmit they have planned it all along...' Arthur thought.

"But I don't have any guild token to register our guild." Arthur quickly reason out.

"Here... As for the one gold you already have that so do the sacrifice for the guild." Percival throw something at him

[ You have obtained Guild Token (Uncommon) ]

"Whaaat?... You know how to obtained one gold right?".

Arthur keeps complaining but they didn't mind him and decided to return to the dream tavern.

"Now that we have a guild leader and the fund provider, our generous Arthur!" Percival teasingly announced.

*Clap! clap! clap!*

They start to clap while JustNoOne smile at watching them but suddenly Arthur says something important that all of them stiffens.

"So what's the name of our guild?".




All of them decides to create a guild but forget to create a name for it.

"So you guys don't have one? Since I'm the Guild Leader, so what about Knights of the Round Table?" Arthur casually says.

"Nah... It's too long. What about Omniscient? Like a godlike figure?". Percival pitch in for the guild name.

"Just list all the names so we can pick later." Arthur replies to Percival.

Percival quickly borrow writing pen and paper to the tavern receptionist.

"Calamity... Let's use Calamity as guild name."

"Elites, we are elites right?"

"Masters, we are already a master of our martial arts."



"Valhalla! It's a good one"


"Shadow Knights"

"Immortals, we are immortals here at TNW."


The six of them keep suggesting names for their guild but they couldn't agree with each other until their master said one word.


All six of them stop from talking and immediately look to JustNoOne with their widen eyes.

"Who want to use Unrivalled?". Arthur raise his hand while asking.

The five immediately raise their hand to agree.

After two hours of suggestions and debate they finally decides a name for their guild.

"FINALLY! You really are the best master..." Arthur excitedly say.

"Let's go to the City Hall and register our guild and partway after." Arthur says.

All of them stand up and gone straight to the City Hall.

They successfully registered the guild and partway to do their own thing.

Arthur hate being the Guild Leader but he's still excited when they created the guild except the one gold coin needed to register.

[ Uncommon Guild

Name: Unrivalled

Location: N/A (For outer district only)

Reputation: 0

Resources: N/A

Leader: Arthur

Vice Leader: JustNoOne

Officers: Lancelot, Percival, Galahad, Berdivere and Gawain

Members: N/A ]

"Haha I kept complaining being the Guild Leader of our guild but I feel like it is meant to be me all along... I wonder why?.. Lets forget about that for now and focus on my problem.

I don't need to increase my level, I'm already level twenty one while Master and the others are on five to six. Their monsters when it comes to fight. So maybe the other players are on level three below.

I should start finding my destined class but before that I need to gather mastery skills. Show Sword Mastery Info."

[ Skill Information

Name: Sword Mastery tier 0 (0.50%)

Description: Increase minimum and maximum damage and balance while using sword. Increase sword proficiency. On certain level dexterity stats will be open.

Tier 0 Effect: Proficiency + 1%, Sword Damage +1% ]

Arthur finds out that his passive skill sword mastery increase his proficiency on handling his sword. That's why he want to gather all mastery skills that are available.

Arthur decides to find mastery skills without paying bills because right now he is broke as hell.

On his way to find any available training ground a lady in armor waves at him while smiling.

Arthur stiffens when he see her again. Her jet black long hair and her ambers eyes 'I really want to marry this lady'

"Yo Astrid what a coincidence seeing you here." Arthur waves back at her and walk toward her.

"Yeah what a coincidence... You still wearing your ragged clothes hah. Do you have any sentimental value for that clothes?" Astrid teasingly says.

Arthur quickly check himself and sees he really didn't change his clothes "Haha I'm too busy this past days I forgot to buy clothes.

By the way it is my first time seeing you in armor you look really great!"

Astrid face instantly redden "We have just return from monsters subjugation. I just see you on my way home and forgot about my armor." tapping her index fingers to each other while explaining like a child.

'Ahhh!!!!!! Seeing the Princess of the Battlefield like this. My heart can't handle this cuteness!!! I need to act cool. Act cool Arthur.' Arthur inner thought is on chaos seeing Astrid act.

"It is good that you are safe Astrid. Someday I'll be by your side protecting you." Arthur put his hand on Astrid head.

'That's a good one Arthur well done.' Arthur compliments himself.

Astrid head puff a smoke because of what she heard. "Do... Do you want to...".

"Commander Astrid! I finally found you... The other commanders are calling you right now. Please come with me." A soldier quickly call for Astrid attention.

"Sorry Arthur duty calls..." Astrid return to her commanding attitude and follow the soldier.

"Wait Astrid, do you know any way to get mastery skills?" Arthur call Astrid for help.

Astrid stop, she look at him and say "If you want to obtain mastery skills enlist to the army. The training ground there will be open for you."

After that advice Astrid continue to walk away.

"A soldier hah... I guess I'll try it."