Expedition: Bloodbath

*Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp!*

After the gale spell remove some of the mist covering their surroundings a loud stomping sounds covers the whole area where the Pendragon's armies stay.

"Enemies! Incoming enemies! They are least hundred of thousands!" The soldiers on the walls glimpse a silhouettes of the enemies army.

*Rawwwr!!! Rawr! Rawwwwwrrr!!!*

The army of monsters running toward the walls.

"What are the walls status?" Astrid asks.

The officer who are assigned on the walls ask their soldiers using whispers and confirm the status to Astrid "Command, the wall on left most took a damage from the fire attack of the enemies, the water shield didn't completely defended it."


'Roy defend this place. I'll take Luke, Brian and my battalion to the left most wall.' Astrid whisper to Roy.


'Ok I'll defend this place with my life. Take care' Roy whisper back.

"First, third and fourth battalions with me!" Astrid ride her horse and go straight to the left wall with the army battalion.

-- On the left wall --

"Soldiers! Our enemies are more than us, but we are smarter! stronger! and fiercer!" Astrid climbs the wall and give the soldiers a speech.

"This moment will be marked in them history on mankind! You will are all the heroes of empire! FOR PENDRAGON'S EMPIRE!" Astrid raise her sword.




"FOR PENDRAGON'S EMPIRE!.." The soldiers shouts as well.

Hearing and seeing thousands of soldiers shouting, stomping their spears and hitting their shields with their sword. Arthur feels goosebumps all over his body and follow the soldiers shouts and stomps "FOR PENDRAGON'S EMPIRE!"

[ Force Quest: Defend the Empire!

Description: Army of monsters are moving usually unlike before... Help Astrid to win the war.

Rewards: 200 kills (+1 level), 1000 kills (all stats +2), 2000 kills (title reward), 3000 kills (Nobility rank) ..., Astrid intimacy +10, +100 reputation.

Failure: Astrid dying, Arthur dying or Enemy winning the war. ]

Arthur quickly read the information and remove it from his sight.

*Rawrrrr! rawr! rawrrrr*


READDDYYYY!..." Astrid commands.

The arches go to the front and draw their bows with arrows while the mages writes their different kinds of spells.

"NOT YET!... NOT YET!.. RELEASE!.." Astrid point her sword forward and the range soldiers release their arrows and spells.

"Ahhh! Arggghh! Ahhhhhhh!" Thousands of monsters dying outside the walls.


Suddenly a fast and powerful spear throw come toward wall. Astrid sees it and quickly command the mages to cast a defensive spell "Earth Wall!"

Mages writes their spells but the spear is too fast to be blocked.


The wall and the ground shakes intensely when the spears hits the wall.

*Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhhhh!*

Later on the wall crumbles and the soldiers on it falls.

A deafening shout heard comes from outside wall "RAAAAWWWRRR! Devourer them!"

The monsters charge insanely. They don't care about the others who are dying beside them. The only matter for them is to devour the humans inside the wall "RAWWRRR! KILL! KILL! KILL!"

Archers and mages continues releasing their arrows and spells while Astrid jump outside the wall to receive the incoming enemies.

She kills hundreds of enemy monsters in just one stroke of her sword, thousands when using skill, but the number of enemies are overwhelming. She tries to stop them but the monsters didn't allow her.

The monsters that survives on Astrid onslaught go straight to the wall and climbs.

Seeing the monster jumping over the debris from the broken wall Arthur feels his sweat dripping on back.

*Hhhhh... Haaaa...*

Doing a breathing exercise to calm himself Arthur quickly equip his rope dart and ready for the fight.

*Clang! Clang! Cling!*

The enemy monsters successfully infiltrated their base. They now attacking the vanguards who are protecting themselves using they shields.

*Raawwrrr! Arrhhhg...*

[ +350 exp

+1 kill ]

One of the monsters who are hitting and clawing the shield of vanguard suddenly died from a dagger with a rope connected on it.

Arthur throws his rope dart on it and quickly pulls it back when he receives the experience notification.

Arthur continue his strategy. He looks for monsters that are easy to kill and throw his rope dart on its head causing it to die on one hit.

[ +350 exp

+1 kill

+435 exp

+1 kill

... ]

He accumulates 3 levels by simply throwing his rope dart on enemies head but after the vanguards starts to get tired causing one of them to break their formation defense.




One of the vanguards failed to see the incoming claw. The claw stabs pierces his body causing him to cough blood. The monster bites the whole head vanguard soldier and rip it off.

The blood of the vanguard soldier splatters all over the place causing the soldiers feels terror that they keep making mistakes because of it.

Arthur eyes dilates seeing his companions dying one by one on a fast pace 'This is not a game anymore. I need to save them! They are my brothers thru blood and sweats!'

Arthur's adrenaline starts to rush all over his blood. His eyesight becomes keener and keener. His mind becomes sharper and sharper. He quickly strategies a formation to lessen they casualties they have taken and to push back the enemies outside the wall.

"Finn! Tell the soldiers to use spear and shield, George! gather some priests we need them fast!. Group them up to fifty person on a circle formation. Ten priest will use their healing spells inside the circle protected by the twenty shield users while the other twenty will use spears to pierce thru the enemies that will attack the formation... Go go! I'll by us sometime." Arthur quickly explains to them what to do and quickly charge toward the enemies.

The two hastily tells to the other soldiers what Arthur tells them. The others are hesitant to comply but the other who knows Arthur quickly gathers up and form a circle. They looks like the Spartans but with a cheat healing spell inside their circle. They strongly defended their formation with no one dying and their exhaustions has been removed by the AoE buff spells of the priests who are can freely use their spells inside the formation.

The results effectively good that the other soldiers started to copy their formation and successfully defended their life because of it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" While the soldiers are gathering up and forming a circle Arthur charges toward the enemies. Throwing and swinging his rope dart like that he was dancing while surrounded by enemies.

[ +1 kill

+235 exp

+1 kill

+245 exp

-150 hp

+1 kill

+563 exp

+1 level

+1 kill

+1 kill

-100 hp

+1 kill


Total kills: 1,524 ]

Arthur level increases by three again while slaughtering they monsters who are surrounding him but his hp continues to drop as well "All stats to agility"

[ Total agility: 115 ]

Arthur speed increases so his attack too. The attacks that gazing him before are now easily dodge by him. He sometimes activates his foresight to increase his dodge rate to lessen his damage taken from the enemies.

"Dance of Death"

[ +1 kill

+123 exp

+1 kill

+134 exp

... ]

Now Arthur bathe from the blood of the enemies. He is like a death god in front of his enemies. The hideous monsters that killing his companion before are now trembling on fears because of him.

[ Eye of Foresight +1 level ]