Chapter 67: It can't be cured, let's cut it

   Yu Xiaogang was taken aback, and after a glance, he immediately furiously said on the spot: "No, it is possible. You are in danger."

   In Yu Xiaogang's mind, the clan's approach is undoubtedly the same as what Qianxunji did to him in the first place.

   Everyone looked puzzled, didn't they say that they wanted to help Dai Mubai's treatment? The master who is so good is angry.

The clan's complexion was as usual, holding Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and sneered: "Take advantage of people's danger? What is meant by people's danger? Zhuqing and I have been in love with each other and have known each other for many years. And you think that the one behind the partition, because of going to goulan, he was scrapped. Is the broken guy worthy of Zhuqing? And you said to me to repay your grievances with virtue. Well, I asked you again, how can you repay virtue? Today Dai Mubai was cured, and in the future, Zhuqing will be entangled with his face. I don't think you know, Master. If it wasn't for me to be there yesterday, your classmate Dai Mubai would still want to attack Zhuqing!"

   "I can testify that Dai Mubai wanted to attack Zhuqing yesterday." Ning Rongrong passed through the crowd, raised his hand, revealing a small head, and yelled.

   "I can also testify." Meng still stood up. Being a woman, Dai Mubai disgusted her very much. You can imagine having a man like this haunting her and doing it if he can't catch him. What a terrible thing this is. If someone treats himself this way, he would help me if he wants to come to Xiaosan!

   Thinking of this, Meng still looked at Tang San. Under the gaze of his girlfriend, even Tang San reluctantly stood up and said, "I can also testify."

   "This." For a while, Yu Xiaogang was speechless.

Flender also sighed. If Dai Mubai didn't go to the bar and put himself off, he could still refuse to use his words to supervise Dai Mubai's corrections. Now if he really forced Zhu Zhuqing to not resolve the marriage contract, then he would have become. Wicked. He is not fake, but Zhu Zhuqing is also his student, can't favor one another, besides, Dai Mubai is indeed self-inflicted.

   Flander said: "I'll go talk to him!"

   "No, this is impossible." Dai Mubai's roar came from behind the partition, but the roar was so weak, it was obvious that Dai Mubai was already very weak.

   Hearing the words, Yu Xiaogang still wanted to save it, so he ran to Ye Lingling and said to her: "Miss Ye, can you give Mubai a treatment first? Even if I owe you personal love."

   The clan saw a sneer in his heart.

   Ye Lingling didn't pay any attention, she didn't care about masters or masters. Turning around and indifferently said: "I owe favor to the clan, you can ask him about this. Also, if he didn't speak, I wouldn't come over at all."

   Ye Lingling's words completely ruined Yu Xiaogang's thoughts.

  In the partition, Flender is persuading Dai Mubai with all his heart.

"Mubai, think about it, if you don't sign, Xia Sanlu won't be able to keep it. Then, even if you marry Zhu Zhuqing, how can you be a couple? I know more or less about the rules of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, and cut off offspring and grandchildren. , It's equivalent to a straight out!"

   Dai Mubai's body trembled, not to mention it was okay, as soon as he said, he remembered his brother's methods. Wasn't he hiding here just to avoid hunting and killing?

   After all, Dai Mubai didn't have much affection for Zhu Zhuqing, that is to say, she decided to abandon the entire forest because of her beautiful appearance and martial spirit integration.

  After thinking for a long time, Dai Mubai gritted his teeth, and finally chose to discard his face and save himself. At the same time, he secretly hated Zhu Zhuqing and his clan in his heart. One day he will pay back one hundred times for wearing Mubai.

   Dai Mubai said, "Okay, I'll sign it."

   After a short while, Flander walked out with Dai Mubai's signing of the termination of the marriage contract. The clan looked at it and nodded in satisfaction.

   Flender smiled bitterly: "Now you can treat Mubai!"

   The clan nodded, put the dissolution of the marriage contract into the storage space of the system, and said: "It can be treated, but it is agreed in advance that Lingling will do her best to treat, but if it is not cured, you can't blame her."

   "Haha, it's okay, it's okay, if you can't cure it, Mubai deserves it." Friend laughed. He didn't take the clan's words to heart. From Ning Rongrong's mouth, he fully understood the power of Jiuxin Haitang. If it can't be cured, then they don't need to be confused with the name of the Immortal Sect.

The clan clan said to Ye Lingling: "Lingling, let's start!"

   Ye Lingling nodded.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a faint fragrance, a white light fell from the sky. The white light looked very peculiar. It turned out to be in the form of petals, slowly falling, passing through the partition, and directly falling on Dai Mubai's body, lightly blending into his body. . Dai Mubai's body trembled for a while behind the partition, and his entire complexion seemed to have improved a lot, as he stood up directly.

   "I'm okay, I'm okay. I have strength again." Dai Mubai walked out of the clapboard and shouted excitedly.

   Flender also smiled and said to Ye Lingling: "Thank you very much, Miss Ye."

At this moment, Ye Lingling shook her head, and she heard a cold voice, "I just cured his qi and blood deficiency problem. As for that... ahem, that thing has been completely necrotic and can't be perceived Any breath of life. My Jiuxing Begonia can only heal, but cannot reshape the body, so..."

   Speaking of this, even Ye Lingling's pretty face, who had always been cold, couldn't help but flush, and hid behind the clan.


   Everyone's eyes burst as if they heard Dai Mubai's heartbreak.

   Dai Mubai carefully sensed his body, and found that the sense of powerlessness had indeed disappeared, but Xia Sanlu still didn't feel anything.

   "Ah! You are lying to me, you are lying to me..." Dai Mubai's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his face was hideous, and he roared to Ye Lingling.

  While talking, Dai Mubai still wanted to deal with Ye Lingling who was standing behind the clan.

   The clan looked at each other indifferently, and just as he was about to kick his feet 40 yards up, Flanders moved.

I saw that Flander gave Dai Mubai a hand knife at will, knocked him out, and sighed: "Now, there is no other way. Mubai Xia Sanlu has become rotten flesh, even Jiuxing Haitang. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to come back to life. I should have thought of it a long time ago."

   immediately said to Tang San: "Little San, let's cut it!"

   Tang San: I don't know how to say 'Mamacoin' in my heart.


   After half an hour, the "attending physician" Tang San personally took charge of the surgery, and the "senior stab wound medical authority" Ye Lingling, doctor Ye assisted outside the door, and Dai Mubai's operation went smoothly. There is no risk. I believe that when Dai Mubai wakes up, he will be able to walk vigorously, without feathering like a palace eunuch, lying in a hospital bed for three to five months. It won't delay the cultivation in the future.

   In order to express their regret for Dai Mubai, under the suggestion of the clan, Dai Mubai's Xia Sanlu was treated with antiseptic treatment, so as to ensure that Dai Mubai will enter the earth as a safe time and still be a perfect body.

   After this battle, Dean Flander felt painful and thought painful. Except for Ma Hongjun's special circumstances, during the school period, students were forbidden to look for flowers and willows.