Chapter 68: Zhu Zhuqing's determination

   Dai Mubai's incident is now over.

   At the gate of Shrek School, Clan and others are bidding farewell to Zhu Zhuqing.

   "Zhuqing, do you really plan to stay here?" The clan said with some worry.

   Zhu Zhuqing shook his head, "Xiaozong, although I also want to be with you, I have considered it. I can't be a vase by your side forever, and I have to rely on my own efforts to become stronger."

   "I am worried..."

   At this moment, Flander didn't know where he came out. With a haha ​​smile, he interrupted the clan's words, "Don't worry! I still can't protect my students. Although Mubai is not a thing, he still listens to what I say."

   Zhu Zhuqing also nodded to the clan.

   The clan sighed. When it comes to student safety, Flanders' words still have some credibility. Since Kitty wants to stay here to continue learning, he can't stop it.

Immediately afterwards, the clan took out a gold card from his pocket and handed it to Flanders, "Dean Flanders, there are ten thousand gold coins in this. In the future, your college's food will be better. I don't want to see you next time. When I arrived at Zhuqing, my face was yellow and thin."

   Flender's eyes lit up, "It must be, I will notify the cafeteria tomorrow to improve the food."

  Flander, who has been in the rain for a long time, snatched the gold card, and looked left and right. God knows how he has survived the past few years. In the worst of times, the academy is almost unable to open the pot.

   The clan gave Fland a blank look, really a greedy ghost. But he didn't say much, and the extra money was returned to Flanders even if it was profitable.

   While talking, the clan once again took out a black wooden box out of thin air and handed it to Zhu Zhuqing. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Flanders, who was immersed in money, and then opened the writing wheel and looked at Zhu Zhuqing.

   Zhu Zhuqing was taken aback for a moment, and then he understood in seconds, feeling very moved in his heart. Taking the black wooden box in the clan's hands, leaning into the clan's arms, whispered: "I will miss you."

   The clan rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's small head, rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's waist, and said softly, "I will come to you when I have time."

   "Yeah." Zhu Zhu took a count, and pressed his small face to the clan's strong chest.

   The clan was taken aback, and thought: "Isn't it said that two people who love each other are separated. If the man says something touching, the woman will cry and kiss the man? Isn't what I said is not enough?"

While the clan was thinking about it, Flender's untimely voice came out, "Ahem... I said you two should pay attention, this is in a public place. And we will go to the Arena of Souls every day, at the latest, you guys. You can see each other again, don't make it like life and death."

   Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing's face is slightly red, and even the neck is stained with pink. Immediately pushed away the clan, carrying the black box given by the clan and ran into the academy.

   The clan smiled awkwardly, and said: "Then Zhuqing will ask Dean Flender."

   "Don't worry." Flender nodded.

   As soon as the clan turned around, Flanders' voice came out again, "I said your kid really doesn't join my Shrek Academy?"

   The clan waved his hand in response.

  Wai Zuzong, Xiao Wu, and Ye Lingling walked out of the village where Shrek was.

   Xiao Wu, who has been tolerant until now, finally broke out, stopped and squatted down, her voice full of grievances, "I'm tired and don't want to go anymore."

   I saw Xiao Wu's small face flushed, her cheeks bulging with anger. The two big watery eyes stared straight at the clan, crying for you if they didn't agree.

   The clan smiled helplessly. Today, in order to deal with the little cat's affairs, he really ignored her. He immediately squatted down, swinging his right hand back to signal Xiao Wu to come up. Usually when Xiao Wu gets angry, the clan just needs to carry her back and take her to a good meal, and the anger will disappear immediately.

   However, this time it was a little unexpected from the clan, and the back actually didn't work.

   The clan came to Xiao Wu, helped her up, and said softly, "What's wrong with Xiao Wu?"

   "What did you give Zhuqing just now?" Xiao Wu asked with dissatisfaction with a small mouth, almost saying that I want it too.

   The clan is embarrassed for a while, and the rabbit is jealous of feelings! The black wooden box that the clan gave Zhu Zhuqing contained the "54 pistol" he had stolen the other day and several magazines filled with bullets. For the kitten's personal safety, with this, it can be more protected at critical moments. As for how to use it, the clan has already told the other party through writing round eyes.

   Thinking of this, the clan once again took out a Type 54 pistol, "That's it, I call him a pistol for self-defense."

   While talking, the clan demonstrated how to use it in front of Xiao Wu and Ye Lingling.

   "Boom..." A tree not far away was pierced through.

   "Wow, so amazing, so amazing." Xiao Wu's big watery eyes flashed brightly.

The clan was still a little worried and gave it to Xiao Wu directly, so he warned: "This thing may not be very useful to deal with large soul beasts, but for ordinary soul masters, it should be used carefully. Also, remember to use it carefully. , You can't aim the gun at your own person, you know?"

   "I see. Hey" Xiao Wu grabbed the pistol, made a face at the clan, and started playing with excitement.

  The clan looked at Ye Lingling, and couldn't be more or less favoritism. After all, I troubled others to run like this, but unfortunately there were only two pistols. Reluctantly, he just took out the Thomson submachine gun and handed it to Ye Lingling. As for a sniper rifle, the clan can keep it for himself or give it away in the future.

   Ye Lingling looks delicate and weak, but she is a soul master after all, and her physical fitness far exceeds that of ordinary people. Easily took the submachine gun handed over by the clan, and said in doubt: "This is?"

The clan said: "You can use her as an enhanced version of Xiao Wu's hand, you can call him a submachine gun! This can make up for your lack of attack power. With this, plus the physical skills I taught you , I believe that ordinary souls can't hurt you anymore."

   "Thank you." Ye Lingling didn't refuse, just like her physical skills in the last clan religion. Since she is a companion, she doesn't need to be too clear.

   Xiao Wu said: "Wow, Xiaozong, you still have a big guy. Lingling fast, let's go to the woods and try."

   Seeing Xiao Wu regaining her former lively appearance, the clan's mouth smiled. It's really a simple rabbit. Isn't it possible to increase IQ in 100,000 years?


   Approaching night, the Great Arena of Souls in Soto City.

  Emperor Fighting Team's box, including Clan Clan and Xiao Wu, everyone sat on the sofa.

   "What, did you go to Shrek Academy today?" Qin Ming exclaimed.

   The corners of the clan's mouth twitched slightly, and he rolled his eyes at Xiao Still need to say, this is what Xiao Wu shakes out today. According to the original work, Huang Dou Fighting and Shrek met at least three months later. The clan didn't want to advance the date, after all, he wouldn't be able to abuse Shrek in front of Qin Ming. Fortunately, the things that should be done were almost done. Dai Mubai became an eunuch, and Kitty became his first girlfriend in the true sense by mistake.

   As for Tang San? It means that he is almost bald by the clan now, the Blue Silver Emperor is out of play, the first spirit ring is destroyed by himself, and the eight spider spears are gone, how can it be a tragic word.

   Clan said: "Well, today we are going to Shrek..."

   Immediately, the clan said what had happened in Shrek. As for the fact that he pitted Dai Mubai, he would definitely not say anything about it. It was just that Dai Mubai was injured, and his girlfriend, Kitty, followed the instructions of Dean Flander to ask Lingling for treatment.

  If Dai Mubai knew that, instead of relying on the clan, Flanders only had to talk to Qin Ming and he would be able to invite Ye Lingling. I wonder if he would die of anger. But it doesn't matter, anyway, unless someone reshapes the body itself, that thing will not be saved.

Thinking of this, the clan recalled that Tang Hao's severed hand in the original work seemed to be Tang San's use of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone "wild fire burns endlessly, spring breeze blows again" skills, plus the need to return Tang Hao's soul bone. Connect his hands and feet. I just don't know if there is any soul bone to pick up that thing, hahaha.