Chapter 87: Black and White Xuanjian

   "System, start stealing." Clan clan shouted in his mind.

   [Di, the system is stealing...]

   [Dip, congratulations to the host for stealing a revolver from an underground munitions warehouse in the world of "Heroes". It is nothing but hatred. ]

   reached out and grabbed the void, a bright silver revolver and a box of bullets appeared in his hand, and a helpless smile appeared on the clan's face.

   "It's Yan Shuangying again. I wasted the opportunity to steal it. If I wanted this stuff, I would have crossed the past and emptied the arsenal."

   "System, continue to steal."

   [Dip, congratulations to the host for stealing the world of "Qin Shi Mingyue" Black and White Xuanjiang-White Sword]

   "Black and white Xuanjian? Is it the part where Wei Yong, the old guy in the nine songs of the sky, Keng Xuanjian, and even his daughter Wei Xianxian killed him?"

   Speaking of Wei Xianxian, the clan's impression is very deep. I still remember that she was in Blue Star in her previous life. Whenever I saw her dying to save Xuanjiang, I felt sorry more than once.

   Wei Xianxian is the daughter of Wei Yong, the great Sikong of Wei, and the wife of Xuan Jiang.

   By chance, he rescued the seriously injured Xuan Jiang and decided to get pregnant with him for life, but the child was taken away by the maid of the Wei family, which became Wei Yong's tool to threaten Xuan Jiang.

Hou Xuanjian was forced to surrender the white sword by Wei Yong, and fell into the wind under Dianqing's attack. At this time, in order to help Xuanjian, she contradicted her father and threw the white sword to Xuanjian. After obtaining the white sword, Xuanjian general Dianqing repel. Wei Xianxian jumped off the wall and was caught by Xuan Jian. She told Dianqing that the person who had killed the general was not Xuan Jian. Dianqing questioned the real murderer and stopped the attack. The frustrated Wei Yong ordered the soldiers to put down the rockets and kill the two. Wei Xianxian told Xuanjian how to open the city gate, and then stood up when Xuanjian broke the mechanism and could not defend Dianqing's offensive, and used his life to stop Dianqing s attack.

   is such a kind woman who became the political victim of her father Wei Yong.

Xuan Jian sank her body to the bottom of the lake with herself, wanting to end her life, but seeing the fire of revenge burning in the heart of the black sword that sank to the bottom of the lake before, he regained the killing black sword and vowed to avenge the slender. avenge!

   Xuan Jiang also went into darkness completely.

   [Dip, Wei Yong, who guards the black and white Xuanzhu, discovered that the famous sword was stolen, and he had a keen heart to kill the host. The hatred value rose to 100%, and the hatred point increased by 10,000. Please prepare for the protagonist. Ten seconds later, the protagonist will randomly teleport to the guards of the Wei Palace within one kilometer, with a time limit of one hour. 10, 9, 8.....]

   The clan sighed when he heard the system of baby female voice prompts in his mind.

   "Fine! Just treat yourself as compassionate, hope it's still too late."

   [3, 2, 1, start transmission. ]

As soon as   's words fell, the clan disappeared into the room along with the distortion of the surrounding space.

   At the same time, inside the capital of Wei State.

   Downstairs of the city, Xuan Jiang is being attacked by Dianqing.

   He didn't have a white sword, and he didn't have a black sword by his side. He was not a celebratory opponent who had perfected the hard skills of the armored door. He soon fell into a disadvantage and was at risk.

   Upstairs in the city, Wei Xianxian pleaded in every way, but Wei Yong was still out for his rights and had a hard-hearted heart. He was about to get rid of Xuan Jiang.

   Just when Wei Xianxian was about to **** Bai Jian to rescue Xuan Jiang, Bai Jian disappeared directly under everyone's eyes.

   When the white sword in his hand disappeared, Wei Yong was almost stunned. If the white sword returned to Xuan Jian's hands, Xuan Jian was likely to rush out of the siege, and the consequences would be very serious. Suffering from Xuanjian's revenge is the second, and it is very likely that there will be incidents in the future. He also lost his current rights and status.

   Wei Yong roared: "Who is it, who stole the white sword, I will kill him."

   Immediately looked at Wei Xianxian who was aside, and glared at him: "Is it you? Are you planning to save Xuan Jiang, you unfilial daughter."

   Wei Xianxian's face turned blue. She was trying to steal Bai Jian to save Xuan Jiang, but it was good, but when she was about to steal Bai Jian, Bai Jian had already disappeared.

   With Wei Yong's constant persecution, Wei Xianxian's footsteps involuntarily retreated, and her behind was at the top edge of the tower.

   "Ah." With a scream, Wei Xianxian fell down without any accident.

   When everyone heard Wei Xianxian's scream, they were all attracted.

   Xuan Jiang was even more lost because of this. Dian Qing found a flaw and knocked to the ground. She fell to the ground and watched Wei Xianxian fall, revealing desperate eyes.

   But the next moment, a shocking scene happened.

   Just when Wei Xianxian was about to land on the ground, at the very moment of his death, a blue-silver plant caught her out of thin air and sent her to Xuan Jiang.

   "It's really vicious enough! Old man Wei, even his own daughter can be dealt with."

   accompanied by a clear voice, everyone sought fame.

   I saw a blue-haired boy wearing a black costume and a Firefox mask appearing on the wall opposite Wei Yong. This person was the clan who arrived in time. After being teleported over, his landing location happened to be not far away. Seeing Wei Xianxian being forced to fall down the tower by Wei Yong, he rushed over immediately and saved one. The tragedy happened.

   Wei Yong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Who is your Excellency? Why bother about it."

   The clan was too lazy to pay attention to him. It was a waste of time to talk to such a pure politician. The spirit power gathered under his feet, and he instantly moved to the two of Wei Xianxian and Xuan Jiang.

   The clan's hand, can shock everyone, master, absolute master.

   Even the top masters like Xuan Jiang and Dianqing who were present, with their eyesight, did not fully see the movement of the clan.

   Seeing that Wei Xianxian was safe and sound, Xuan Jian resisted the pain in his body and stood up with Wei Xianxian's support. He knew that the person in front of him saved his wife. UU reading www.

   Xuan Jiang clasped his fists in both hands, bowed and said, "Thank you En-gong for helping Slim, otherwise..."

   Wei Xianxian also saluted, "Thank you for your help."

The clan waved his hand, "No, I just don't want to see this tragedy happen. Miss Wei is kind-hearted, and Xuan Jian you can retreat for her. If she dies, you will be swallowed by hatred. It is the saddest thing to become a slave to revenge."

   Clan's words caused Xuan Jiang and Wei Xianxian to fall into silence, and their palms interlocked and grasped tightly.

Soon the clan looked at the celebration standing aside. Now it is only a few years after Brother Zheng came to the throne. There are at least three or four years before he travels to Korea to visit Korea and Africa. Now Ying Zheng has not unified China, and the six countries are still there. Qing's eyes are still not blind.

   The clan said lightly to Dianqing: "Do you really think that the one who killed your master was Xuan Jiang? What do you think of Miss Wei?"

   "Xuan Jiang was not the one who killed your master." Wei Xianxian said. Speaking of this, her expression became a little lonely, because she knew that it was her father Wei Yong who really killed Master Dianqing.

   While talking, the clan clan looked at Wei Yong standing on the tower from the corner of his eyes.

   As expected, Wei Yong's expression changed drastically, from the previous dignity and solemnity to pure killing intent, naked and undisguised killing intent.

   "Dianqing, kill them quickly for me. This person is an associate of Xuan Jiang, and he must be inseparable from the death of your master." Wei Yong shouted.

   Although his muscles are strong, Dianqing's mind is not simple. On the contrary, his mind is very delicate. He may not believe others, but since Wei Xianxian has spoken, then the matter is worthy of scrutiny.

   "Who killed my master?" Dianqing asked.