Chapter 88: Clan obsession

   "Look at this." The clan pointed to his own eyes.

   As he spoke, the clan's eyes were slightly closed and opened again, the eyes became blood red, and the three Gouyu in the pupils turned counterclockwise.

  Dianqing is unknown, so they subconsciously looked at the clan's eyes, and the two of them looked at each other.

   "Illusory Skill-Writing Round Eyes."

   With the illusion of the clan, Dianqing has many memories that did not belong to him.

From Wei Yong's use of his daughter Wei Xianxian and their children to threaten Xuanjian to remove his political enemies, and the death of Master Dianqing, to Wei Yong's dealings with Bianri, etc., the clan sent them one by one based on his past life memory. Celebration.

   In the fantasy world, Dianqing seems to have gone through several days and nights, but in reality only one second has passed.

   "This is—" Dianqing exclaimed that he was born, and everything in the illusion just now was really horrible. He did not expect that the seemingly powerful and loyal Wei Guoda Sikong was actually a sinister and cunning villain. Because Xuan Jian fell in love with his daughter Wei Xianxian, he ordered Xuan Jian to remove Chaozhong's opponents against him. .

   The clan's mouth grinned and said faintly: "It's true or not, you can only judge it yourself."

   At the same time, Wei Yong couldn't help it. Although the clan only exchanged a few words and did not reveal that he was the murderer, judging from Dianqing's reaction, it was obvious that he knew something.

   Wei Yong gritted his teeth and said: "Give me arrows and shoot these thieves to death."

   Following Wei Yong's order, thousands of arrows were fired from the tower, turning into a rain of arrows to shoot at the tribe, Wei Xianxian, and Xuan Jiang.

   Wei Xianxian stood in front of the injured Xuan Jian for the first time, and the clan couldn't help but sigh, what a love!

   The clan slowly raised his right hand, "Blue Silver Emperor-Open"

   The next moment, the dark blue light suddenly surged, and a cluster of dark blue blue silver emperor suddenly grew out of his palm. Each blade of grass seemed to have the thickness of a child's arm, and it was covered with strange patterns.

Milky white light gushes from the clan, and the dark blue blue silver emperor suddenly enlarges as if it has been stimulated. In the blink of an eye, it has become the thickness of the bowl, like a rattan, with black scales attached to it. . The peculiar lines gleamed with a faint light, and they hovered around the clan's body like dozens of large snakes.

   In the blink of an eye, he wrapped the tribe, Xuan Jian, and Wei Xianxian tightly. As for Dianqing, he has a hard skill in armoring, and the clan doesn't bother to control him. What if he does it himself.

   The rain of arrows shot on the barrier made by the Blue Silver Emperor, rubbing against the black scales on the Blue Silver Emperor and producing violent sparks. The arrows broke, folded, or flew, leaving the tribe intact.

   The clan looked at Xuan Jiang and Wei Xianxian, "I will send you away from Wei country!"

   "Thank you En Gong, then." Xuan Jian nodded, the power displayed by the clan was almost beyond his vision.

   Wei Xianxian showed a worried look and looked at Xuan Jiang, "But it's our child."

"It's simple, I'm a good person to do it to the end." As soon as the voice fell, the clan moved to Wei Yong in an instant. Before he could react, a punch hit him in the abdomen to subdue him, and then led him to Wei Xianxian. .

   As for the surrounding soldiers, they were completely ignored by the clan, looking dumbfounded.

   Wei Yong covered his stomach with both hands, spit out a big mouth of sour water, knelt on the ground and pleaded with Wei Xianxian: "Daughter, help me!"

   The clan glanced at Wei Yong, really shameless enough, raised his forty-yard foot and kicked his **** fiercely, "Stop talking nonsense, say, where did you hold her baby."

   Wei Yong narrowed his eyes slightly, he originally thought that the other party was going to kill him directly. The feeling is that he must hand over the child, which is much easier. As long as a politician like him has a bargaining chip, nothing is a problem.

   Wei Yong said: "Unless you promise me one thing."

   The clan kicked his **** again. This old man is very bad, and it's no good to listen to him. Besides, the clan doesn't have so much time to wrestle with each other, almost one third of the hour has passed. I wanted to let him go, if so, let him die. Soon Wei Yong grabbed him, lifted him up like a chicken, and put him in front of him. Opening the writing wheel to stare at him, Wei Yong immediately fell into illusion.

   The clan said lightly: "Say, where did you put the child."

   I saw Wei Yong's eyes dull, and he replied blankly: "The child is..."

   Then, the clan looked at Dianqing on the side, "Brother Dianqing, I'm taking them to save the children. As for what you have, ask this old miscellaneous hair yourself! The illusion will be automatically solved in half an hour."

   Dianqing nodded, clasped his fists in both hands and said, "Thank you—"

   While talking, the spirit power gathered at the feet of the clan, carrying the injured Xuanjiang and Wei Xianxian to the child's hiding place. As for Wei Yong, he would be killed by Wei Wuji in the future, and he would die sooner or later.

   More than ten minutes later, next to the lake where Xuanjian and Wei Xianxian fell in love in the original book.

Seeing Wei Xianxian, Xuan Jiang, and the rescued child's family of three happily reunited ~ There is a knowing smile on the face behind the clan mask, perhaps this is also a big part of his previous life. Sorry!

   Immediately afterwards, the spirit power in the clan's body circulated and gathered in the palm of the palm, a blue silver emperor vine sprang out from the clan's right palm, and went deep into the lake to fish out the black sword. Reaching out and grabbing the void, the white sword in the system space was also taken out.

   Looking at the black and white swords in his hand, he swung it a few times at random. He was a calm clan, and I had to sigh that they were indeed two good swords.

   "What are your plans afterwards." The clan looked at Xuan Jiang and Wei Xianxian.

   Xuan Jiang looked at Wei Xianxian. He was left with the rest of his life. At this time, he was reunited with his family. He had no luxury. "I want to take Xianxian and my child incognito and be an ordinary person."

   Wei Xianxian also echoed: "Where my husband is going, where do I go."

   "If the net is chasing, what will you do?" The clan shook his head, and with the means of the net, he could find out their whereabouts soon. Isn't he saved in vain? The clan knows the cruelty of this organization very well.

   "This--" Xuan Jian's face became stiff, he knew this organization very well, and he himself was the No. 1 killer of Tianzi on the net. If he is found, he may not be afraid, but Wei Xianxian and the child may not escape.

When the clan's eyes turned, if there is one place that is absolutely safe now, it is at Guiguzi of Yunmeng Mountain. By the way, you can see the young uncle and the second uncle. They should still stay in Guigu to learn art, but it will be estimated by then. It took a lot of talking.

   Clan said: "I have a good place, I can take you there."