Chapter 2

--Yoshiyas' Prov--

I didn't know where I was going nor did I care. I kept running, tears threatening to fall, blurring my vision, making it hard to see. My chest hurts, it feels as if its tightening, making it hard to breath. My legs feel weak and my head is pounding, but despite that, I wasn't going to stop. Why, why did I think he would remember, I was just stupid to think he would. It has been years.

--End of Yoshiyas PROV--

You could see the pain in his Brown doe eyes, the tears in his eyes resembling a dam about to burst. His chest flying up and down is panicked breaths.

He continued to run down the empty halls, not caring much for the voice yelling after him.

"Yoshiya, Slow down!!"

He knew it was Yutaka, but he didn't care, he wanted to get away. He didn't know why he was so hurt, the only thing that was occupying his brain was the thought that he needed to leave.

--Yutakas Prov--

"Yoshiya, Slow down!!"

Fuck! He's not stopping!

"Dammit!!" I slammed my fist onto the small table making the already quiet lunchroom go dead silent. I'm so angry, I don't know why, but seeing my closest friend like that made a part of me come out that I didn't know was there. It felt like a dark pit in my chest was forming and filling with anger.

What did that guy even say!!

I didn't want to know, I was afraid that I would hurt someone if I did.

I ran after Yoshiya, hoping to get you him before anything happens, the feeling of wanting to protect him.

I'll deal with that asshole later.

--End of Yutakas Prov--

The room goes dead silent as a loud bang erupts from Yutakas fist hitting the table. They just stared at him in surprise.

They all remembered him as the quiet boy that kept to himself, he wasn't very violent either.

As soon as he flew out of the double doors the other students started to whisper amongst themselves about the scenario that just played out.

"I've never seen that side of him..he was always so quiet"

"It's that kid Yoshiya, he's changing him"

"Yeah!! Why does he even hang out with that dumbass."

As they kept talking they didn't realize that Yutakas sister was listening in. Her eyes filled with slight anger as she realized why her younger brother changed. The fire grew as their whispering went on.

--Fukumoris Prov--

Why do I feel this way? I don't even know that kid but yet seeing him that way leaves a dark pit in my chest.

Do I know him? No, I wouldn't be able to forget a face like his.

My thoughts were interrupted by a slam. I look up to see that blond kid he hangs out with standing up, anger spreading across his normally calm face.

Is he ok? He looks pissed. I go to say something but before I can, he runs out.

Huh...maybe I should just forget it...i don't know why I'm even trying to get involved

I hoped I could, but that feeling that I forgot something...something important...wouldn't go away...

....I'm so confused…

I sit back down, my two friends questioning me on why I was standing for so long and asking if I was okay. I didn't answer, not because I didn't want to, It's just that I didn't have anything to say. I was too focused on finding out why I felt this way.

--End Fukumoris Prov--

"Why are you so fast dammit!!"

Yutaka pants as he makes it to the roof, seeing Yoshiya sitting on the ground, hugging his knees tightly. He hid his face by turning it to the side , he didn't want Yutaka to see how vulnerable he was, but all Yutaka saw was a heartbroken child, his small frame looking smaller with the position that he is in.


Yutaka says softly as he squatted next to him, resting his elbows on his small thighs to balance himself. Yoshiya flinched as Yutaka reached towards him to put a gentle hand on his shaking shoulder.

"What happened.." He asks quietly as to not scare him, but not even Yoshiya knew, he was just as confused and Yutaka. He didn't know why he felt that way, he didn't know why he reacted the way he did. He knew what might have happened and plus he didn't even tell Fukumori his name.

I'm just over reacting ...its just gonna take a bit...

He thought. 'But it still hurts all the same'-


Yoshiaya looked at Yutaka, eyes red, puffy and glazed over. His cheeks were red and tear stained.

Yutaka noticed how bad he was shaking and knew that he had to do something to prevent a panic attack.

Yutaka slowly reached a thin but strong arm around Yoshiyas waist, pulling him closer to him as he sat down, pulling Yoshiya onto his lap.

Yoshiyas face turned a darker shade of red as he blushed, confused but let it happen as he trusted Yutaka.

Yutakas heart is pounding in his chest as he is trying to keep his calm. Taking in the sweet scent of Yoshiyas hair as he hugs him closer to his chest. Yutaka has had a crush on Yoshiya since the first day they met so this was slowly driving him crazy.

--Flash Back--

Yoshiya was running down the hall trying not to be late for his first class, he looked around frantically looking at the numbers on the doors, not paying attention to in front of him. The next thing he felt was his face colliding into a wall like surface, he stumbled back landing on his butt, the book and papers in his hands flying around him.

"Omg, I'm so sorry!! Are you ok?"

Yoshiya look up to see a blond haired man with a really kind smile and cyan blue eyes.

"Y-yeah" Yoshiya stutters. The boy reaches out a hand to help him up, when Yoshiya put his hand into his, he stopped loving the feeling of how soft they were. The boy pulled him up and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Yutaka "

Yoshiya looked confused.

"I didn't ask for your name..."

"Yeah I know but I thought we could be friends"

Yoshiya thought about it and nodded knowing he wanted someone to hang out with while he was here.

"Okay!! I'm Yoshiya"

Yutaka smiles

"Imma call you Yoshi" He said with a huge grin. Yoshiya giggled and nodded, he hasn't heard that nickname in a while and it made him happy.

--Flash back End--

"Y-Yutaka" Yoshiya stutters, feeling his heart race. The feeling of Yutaka hugging him was making him weak but it made him feel safe. They stayed like that for a while, Yutaka wrapped around him like a protective lover, Yoshiya listening to his heart beat. He was calm but didn't want the moment to end so he didn't say anything, liking the way it felt not knowing that Yutaka was about to have a heart attack from how cute he was being. After a couple more minutes they both heard the door to the roof open, they turned, Yoshiyas heart dropped and Yutakas eyes filled with anger.

"What the fuck are you two doing!?"