Chapter 3

⚠️lots is swearing and homophobic terms⚠️

"What the fuck are you two doing!?" A female voice shouts from behind them

Yoshiya jumped slightly and heard Yutaka sigh. He glances up to see the blond that was yelling at him before. She's tall and has long blond hair, dark blue eyes and round rimmed glasses. She was really pretty but would be prettier if she didn't have that angry look on her face.

"Takeoka, it's not what you th-" She cuts him off by pulling Yutaka up violently by his shirt and putting him behind her, ignoring the fact that Yoshiya was knocked off.

"What are you trying to do to my brother!?!?" She looks at Yoshi. Furious.

"Are you trying to turn my brother gay!? You freak!!"

Yutaka is about to say something but before he can his sister shoves him out of the door and drags him down the stairs. Yoshiya just sits there, tears forming in his eyes from shock.

-Yutakas POV-

As my sister drags me down the hall I can feel my anger starting to bubble up again.

'Why did she have to say that!?'

I bit the corner of my lip to try and suppress the urge to yell at her knowing that if I did it wouldn't end well. My mind wandered to Yoshiya and I started to worry about how he was feeling now that she said that. He was probably scared and confused.

'Is he ok...what if he thinks that I hate him now…'

My thoughts were interrupted by my sister stopping and letting go of my wrist, it dropped to my side.

"I don't want you hanging out with him anymore"

My sister stated with a confident tone as if she thought that I would just listen to her, but I just looked at her, with an angry and confused look. I didn't know what had gotten into her but I knew for one, she wasn't going to tell me who to be around.

"Excuse me?"

I tried to bite back my anger the best I could but the tone still came out snappy. She just looked at me, with the fakest concerned look i've ever seen.

"I don't want him rubbing off on you!"

"Rubbing off on me!?"

I scoff and roll my eyes, she's starting to get on my nerves more than before.

How the hell could he rub off on me when im pretty sure i'm the gay one out of us two.

Nobody knew but I figured out that I liked guys more than females when I was in 8th grade. It was easy at that time, girls kept asking me out and I just didn't really feel attracted to any of them. Then I met Yoshi…. I don't know why but he just made my heart flutter, I thought he was so cute!! Especially how red his face got when I called him cute or by the nickname I gave him and how his eyes sparkled when he saw of talked about something he liked.

"You know what….He isnt gay."

"How do you know that?"

I stopped wondering how I was going to slowly say this.

"Because I-I'm the gay one…." I look at my sister to see her reaction but all I saw was the disgust is her eyes.

"Your what!?!" She raised her voice stating how angry she was. I look down at my feet knowing that this was a bad idea but I couldn't let Yoshiya get bullied over something thats true.

-End of Yutakas POV-

-Yoshiyas POV-

I just sat there, my knees to my chest as I was trying to take deep breaths but they came in and out as shaky breaths. I hate this feeling of not being wanted, of just being despised….being alone..

'Did I make it that obvious?....Did I get him in trouble? Is he disgusted too?..'

I sigh leaning back, tears threatening to fall again.

'What if I ruined our friendship….?'

My mind started to race as tears started flowing down my face. We may have only known each other since the beginning of freshman year but we are still good friends. I mean I think we are.. 'Right?.... That doesn't matter now…. He probably hates me now.'

I decide to stand up, not wanting to ponder on those thoughts anymore. Knowing it wasn't going to end well if I did.

I should head to my next class. I'm sure the teacher is wondering where I am.

I wipe my tears and I start to walk to my next class, legs shaking slightly, first stopping by the now empty cafeteria to grab my bag.

As I run down the hall I notice Yutaka standing in the middle of the hall talking to his sister. I frown slightly, wanting to go apologize but also not wanting to interfere.

'I'll take a different route.'

Once I arrive at my class I walk in, the teacher stops her lesson and looks at me with a slight glare. She was always one to hate being interrupted.

"Ahh, Yoshiya, thank you for joining us. Detention"

*End of Yoshiyas POV*

Yoshiya looks down, nodding his head slightly in response, walking over to his seat in the front.

The teacher sighed and tapped the bored.

"Back to the the lesson."

Yoshiya looked down at his desk, drawing in the corner of his paper, not paying attention since he didn't have the energy. The only time he looked up was the feeling he had of someone watching him, it made him uncomfortable.


He looked around, not seeing anyone looking even in his direction.

'maybe I'm losing it…'

He turned forward and went back to drawing.

The person who was looking at him turned forward as well, Fukumori sighed, relieved Yoshiya didn't catch him looking. He was thinking about what happened at lunch, looking at the back of Yoshiyas head with a slightly confused look.

After what felt like forever, the last bell finally rang and the students started packing up, leaving. Except for Yoshiya. Poor guy has to stay for being late to class even though he didn't even mean to be.

"Alright you two, you both will stay in detention for an hour. I would stay here to watch over the two of you but I have work to do, so behave while I'm gone."

and with that the teacher leaves out the door. Yoshiya lifts his head, confused at what she said.

'The two of us?'

He looks around to spot Fukumori in the back row, resting his head on his hands.

They make eye contact, but Yoshiya doesn't look away, a small blush spreading on his face as he admires the color.

'They're still as beautiful as before, maybe even more gorgeous..'

Fukumori looks back at him, a confused expression placed across his features, but he doesn't complain, he takes this opportunity to scan Yoshiyas face to try and find anything that he recognizes.

Yoshiyas eyes scans over Fukumoris face taking in every detail that he could, his eyes soon ended on his lips. He blushed slightly and bites the corner of his bottom lip without realizing, catching Fukumoris attention.

He didn't know what it was but seeing Yoshiyas canines bite into his soft looking plump pink lips made his heart beat faster.

'Who is this kid…'

He thought, his mind racing to different things.

Fukumori snaps out of his thoughts and clears his throat, looking away to hide the blush creeping onto his face. Yoshiyas face goes bright red as he realizes what just happened, he turns to face forward again and looks at his desk nervously.

Fukumori faces back after a bit and looks at the back of Yoshiyas head, flicking his tongue over the piercing in the center of his bottom lip.

'What is this feeling….'

Fukumori Smirks softly to himself and chuckles darkly.

'I gotta find out who he is and why he's making me this way or, this is going to drive me insane.'

Fukumori gives in and looks at the empty seat next to Yoshiya before standing up and walking over, but before he can sit down the bell rings.

Fukumori looks at the clock to see that an hour has already passed.

'hOw ThE aCtUaL fUcK-'

"E-excuse me" He hears a small voice and looks to see Yoshiya trying to get past him, he sees that his face is red, making him smile slightly.


He steps to the side running a hand through his hair as he watches Yoshiya walk out of site. His eyes scanning over Yoshiyas smaller body.

'This is going to drive me insane…'