Chapter 5

Yoshiya throws his bag on the couch and takes off his shoes looking around the quiet house.

'Mom must still be at work.'

He walks to the kitchen and grabs an apple from the bowl on the counter. He leans on the counter to the side of the sink and opens his phone, his mind going over the events of that day. He goes to the phones and opens a contact that has hearts around the word "Senpai". He hits the call and puts the phone up to his ear as it rings. He hears a click as the person on the other end picks up.


"Hey Daxai"

"Oh, Yoshiya! Hi. How are you?" Yoshiya smiles slightly as the guy on the other side says his name in an excited tone.

"I'm good. How are you?" He says trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

"I'm good. Just trying to get my studies done."

"That sounds boring " Yoshiya pouts but smiles again once he hears Daxai chuckle.

"Well it has to get done"

"I'll agree with you there"

"So why did you call?"

"Just because I wanted to see how Korea is treating you and how your training is going"

"Well it's going well, all of the other trainees are nice to me and the group that I'm in is really cool. Plus it is really nice out here, not as pretty as Japan but it's still nice."

Yoshiya smiles as his old friend tells him about how he is doing.

"That's good to hear!" Daxai chuckles and smiles slightly on his end.

Daxai loved hearing Yoshiyas voice, he thought it was cute how it sounded when he was nervous or when he was excited.

"How's school treating you Rose?" Yoshiya smiles at the nickname, loving how it sounded rolling off Daxais tongue.

"Well, it's going well. I ran into someone today."

"Oh? Who was it?"

"...Fukumori" The line goes silent on Daxais end. Yoshiya waits nervously for a response.

After waiting for a bit he hears Daxai sigh and he hears the scraping of his chair in the background making him think that he is getting up.

"I'm going to come down for a visit." Yoshiyas eyes widened.

"What why!? That's not necessary!"

"You do remember what he did to you in middle school right? If he remembers you then it's probably going to be worse since , tell me if i'm wrong, he is a lot stronger and a lot more popular"

Yoshiya looks down and sighs sadly not wanting to think bad of Fukumori. Daxai takes the silence as his answer.

"Exactly, so I'm going to take a small break and I'm going to fly down there. My manager won't mind if it's for a friend, I know since my manager is a good friend of my dads."

Yoshiya hears rustling in the background and assumes it's him getting his bag.

"I'll be there in a couple of days, let your mom know that I will be staying with you guys. "

Yoshiya nods forgetting that Daxai can't see him.



"You didn't respond "

"Oh sorry."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah just thinking" A worried look appears on Daxais face.

"Don't worry, i'll be there soon"

"Ok...Stay safe"

"I will, don't worry about me."

Daxai hangs up the phone call and Yoshiya sets his phone on the counter and looks down at the floor.

Daxai set his phone on his bed and ran a hand through his seafoam green hair and sighed. He didn't know what he was going to say to his manager but all he knew was that he needed to be there for his friend and the only person that he actually had feelings for.

"He better be Ok when I get there or I swear to God Fukumori, you're going to be in the hospital."

He looks at the picture that is hanging on his wall of three boys, each one of them has an arm around the others shoulder, a short blond boy in the center, a boy with black hair to the right, and a boy with chestnut brown hair to the left. It was Yoshiya, Fukumori and Daxai. Daxai smiles slightly remembering the good times that they had in elementary school and middle school.

"Why did you turn so mean...."

He looks at his bag sadly and starts packing for his trip.

Yutaka walks into his house after quickly getting out of his car. He looks at his parents who were sitting at a table looking at the mail which he assumed they collected soon before they got home. He walked past them not wanting to talk to them.

Takeoka stays in the car, hands in her blonde hair as she looks at the floor of her car with wide eyes as you can see the tears building up as she tries to suppress the memories that are trying to resurface. She didn't want to remember what happened, she hated those memories and she hated herself for getting mad at Yutaka but she didn't want what happened to her to happen to him.

Fukumori walks into his apartment only to be met with silence and cold air. He sighs and sets his bag on his couch and takes his shoes off kicking them to the side so that they were not in the way. He walks to his kitchen and grabs a water bottle from inside his fridge but just sets on the counter next to him as he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket. He takes it out confused only to see a number that he didn't recognize. He didn't think much of it and blocked the number thinking that it was one of his fangirls.

He sighs softly.

'How do these girls even find my number?'

Just when he thought that, his phone started to vibrate again. He looked at his phone to see it was an unsaved number, he rolled his eyes and blocked the number. Once he did, however, he got another call from a different number he didn't know and once he would block them there would be more calls.


He yells as he gets up from the couch and throws his five year old phone at the wall shattering it into small pieces.


"...At least I can't get any more calls...."

Fukumori sat back down on the couch and was trying to control his anger and before he realized it, his thoughts slowly went to Yoshiya. A pink tint slowly formed on his checks just by thinking about him.

'He looks so familiar...'

He tried remembering old memories to find out who Yoshiya was and why he makes him feel this way, but he only got blanks since he couldn't even remember his past.

"....But I'm not even gay.. Or am no.. But.. I have to admit he's kinda cute." He said with a slight smirk on his handsome face.

'But other than that I know that I know that boy.. But from where?... Yoshiya.. Yoshiya.. Yoshiya Katsuteru ...?'

He sighs, the name sounding so familiar but he just wouldn't find out from where.

While cursing under his breath he smacked his head against his hand.

"That dumb fucking accident..."

Before he came back to Japan he got into a bad motorcycle accident which caused him to lose his memories of his past, the only things he remembered were his name and family but since he was abandoned, the only person that was actually there for him was his older cousin who he didn't know well.

"I need to talk to Yoshiya tomorrow...I have to get answers..."