Chapter 6

The next day started off with Yoshiya getting up and doing his routine, but of course this morning was different.

He left his room to the smell of someone cooking downstairs, he walked down, confused to see his mother awake.


The dark haired woman turned to face her tired son.

"Morning honey! How did you sleep?" She gave him a soft smile, her brown eyes sparkling slightly with excitement.

"I slept well...why are you up so early?"

"I got the next couple of days off and I wanted to be awake when Daxai landed so I could pick him up"

"Oh yeah" Yoshiya remembered the night before, he waited for his mom to come home to tell her the plan that Daxai made, he didn't tell her why he was flying over since it was a personal matter between them.

He then nodded and walked back upstairs, getting into his uniform and brushing his teeth and hair.

"Today should be...interesting..." He placed his hands on his bathroom sink, sighing softly.

"I got this..." He gave a weak smile to himself in the mirror before grabbing his bag and heading out, deciding to walk to school to allow himself to think.


Yutaka was at school early for once since he didn't want to be at home. The tension between him and his sister was too much for him to handle. He did have to say he was surprised when she didn't say anything to their parents but instead went on as if nothing happened, he still didn't trust her though. He was sat on a bench behind the school, his headphones on, giving himself a distraction from the worrying thoughts flooding his head.

What if yoshi doesn't want to be around me anymore...does he hate me?..

He shook his head frantically, the thoughts scaring him. He didn't want to lose the one person he trusted AND the person he liked. He didn't know what to do but just sit there and wait for what he thought was going to be one hell of a day.


Fukimori tried his best to keep his impatience under control as he waited in the class that Yoshiya and him shared. He wasn't good at waiting but didn't have any other way to contact him so he had to...just sit there...which pissed him off.

He didn't move till he felt a tap on his shoulder from one of the people sitting next to him.

"You ok man? Your really zoning out"

"Sorry, yeah I'm good. Just thinking. '' Fukumori ran a hand through his hair, letting out a stressed sigh. He wasn't able to sleep at all due to him trying to remember things. Trying to understand why Yoshiya made him feel the way he did. He didn't get it and it worried him. Maybe Yoshiya was someone important and him not being able to remember was hurting people. He may seem like he doesn't care but he does. He only fights those that he needs to.

"Hey..dude" He turns to his friend

"Do you know the kid named Yoshiya?"

His friend raised an eyebrow

"The one blond nerd? Yeah, most people know him, he's a loner other than that one kid that hangs out with him. Pretty sure he's gay too."

Fukumori looks confused

"Loner? Gay?"

"Yeah, He's a freak. He's bullied by most of us."

Fukumori nods and looks down at his desk, only to look up when the classroom door opens to see Yoshiya walk in with his head low.

"Speak of the Loser. Hey Rat!"

Yoshiya flinches and looks up at Fukumoris friend, eyes widening slightly when he gets up and walks over, his taller frame leaning over the smaller boy. Yoshiya looked down, fiddling with the sleeves of his uniform.

"Where's what I asked for a couple days ago, hm?"

Yoshiyas eyes widened, he totally forgot the money he needed to give him due to yesterday's events.

"I...I don't have it..."

Fukumori watches this, keeping his eyes on Yoshiya, the fear in his eyes making Fukumoris heartache. He only got up to help when his friend glared and shoved Yoshiya over into a bookshelf, causing the books to fall on his head. It hurt yoshiya a lot, because one of the corners that hit him, but also because they were really heavy and thick books.

"Dude!! What the fuck!?" Fukumori shoved past his friend who gave Fukumori a confused look as Fukumori ran to Yoshiya and looked him over, not even questioning that he was worried about him.

"Are you ok?..." Yoshiya looked up, his eyes teary as he tried to hold in the tears from the pain, once he saw it was Fukumori he smiled softly, thinking he remembered.

"You do remember me...."

Fukumori raised a worried/confused brow.

"All I asked was if you were ok..."

Fukumoris friend scoffs and walks over.

"What did I tell you, the kids a fucking weirdo"

"DUDE! Shut the fuck up. " Fukimori growled slowly and glared at his friend who put his hands up and backed away.

"Ok ok, geez man."

Yoshiya was looking down at his lap, holding in his tears.

"Of course you don't remember..." He sniffled and Fukumori looked at him.

"Look kid...If I knew you at all at some point... I'm sorry but I Don't remember you...but I do want to try and remember"

Yoshiya looked up at him, his eyes sad

"Was I that easy to forget....." Yoshiya scoffed quietly "Why am I not surprised..."

Before Fukumori could respond, Yoshiya got up and ran out, he ran the best he could, the pain in his body being too much for him to actually hold all his weight.


Yoshiya sat in an empty stall, his finger hovering over Daxais contact. He was shaking and was so close to crying that he wasn't even thinking about his attendance. He wanted to get away..

He hit the call button and heard it ring a cuple times before he heard a click on the other end, meaning someone picked up.

"Rose? What's up? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Yoshiya stayed silent for a bit, just enjoying the sound of the others' voices.

"Your moms here with me and she's confused to"

"S-so she picked you up?..." His voice was shaking, he didn't know that Daxai put him on speaker. Yoshiya sniffled and his voice cracked with the next thing he said as the tears were getting harder to hold in. His throat feeling tight.

"Can you guys...p-pick me up please.."

Yoshiyas mom gave Daxai a worried look which Daxai did in return.

"Of course honey...can you wait for us out front?.."

Yoshiya didn't even question how his mom heard.

"Yeah...thank you..."

He hung up and his mom started driving towards his school, worried about her son and what could have happened.

Yoshiya limped out of the bathroom and sat out front of the school, shaking and trying not to cry, he didn't notice but his arm was starting to bruise and he was bleeding from the books, plus his head really hurt which is a given since they were really heavy books.


Fukumori sat back at his desk, ignoring the questions coming from his friend or the questioning stairs coming from the other students.

so I did know him...

He rubbed his temples, trying to remember the best he could, only to get a splitting headache.

"Fuck me..."


Daxai nibbled on his thumb, his mind racing about all of the possibilities of what might have happened.

Did Fukumori do something?

He sighed and ran a hand through his sea foam green hair, his normally calm green/blue eyes are now filled with worry.

please be ok Yoshiya...

He looked at his lock screen, it was a photo of Yoshiya that he took the day before he left for Korea. Yoshiya had tears in his eyes but he also had a smile on his face, clinging to Daxais arm. He remembers that day clearly.



"Ahhhhh!!! Daxai I'm so proud of you!!!" Yoshiya was hugging Daxai tightly, a big grin on his face.

"Your doing it! All your hard work payed off!!"

Daxai smiled, hearing Yoshiya say those things really made him happy.

"I couldn't have done it without you Rose."

"Huh? But I didn't do anything, you did it all!"

"Yeah, but you where the only person cheering me on, without your encouragement I wouldn't have been able to make it this far....thank you.."

Yoshiya looked at Daxai and teared up, not knowing what to say.

"Why are you crying!?" He cupped Yoshiyas face and looked at him worried.

"Daxai you big dummy..." Yoshiya hugged Daxai tightly, sniffling.

"I did all that cause I care for you...I'll always be your biggest cheerleader..."

Daxais heart fluttered and he smiled, hugging back.

"We should take a photo, in case I don't see you before my flight tomorrow"

"Good Idea!!'

Daxai chuckles as Yoshiya moves from the hug to only cling to his arm. Daxai lifts his phone and takes a photo f them both, Yoshiya being embarrassed that he was crying in the photo but Daxai didn't let him delete it, finding it cute.

_Memory end_

Daxai smiled softly to himself and turned his phone off when he noticed Yoshiyas mother turning into the school, his mom gasped softly when she saw Yoshiya hugging his knees and stilling on the steps of the school, his arm bleeding.

"Yoshiya!!' Daxai got out of the car quickly, leaving his mom to find a parking spot. Daxai ran over to the shaking boy and pulled him into a hug.

"What happened..was it him? did somebody do this to you?.." Yoshiya nodded and held onto Daxai tightly.

"I'm just a freak..."

Daxai looked at him with wide eyes, he knew Yoshiya had low self confidence but he never said it out loud about himself, only if someone said it to him enough to the point that he began to find it true. He gritted his teeth and looked up at Yoshiyas mom who ran over, she was young for being a mom so running didn't effect her much.

"Clara...can you take him to the car...I need to do something" His mom nods and helps Yoshiya stand

"Rose..what's your classroom number and what did the guys look like..."

Yoshiya mumbles his class number and sniffled

"Tall...skinny...white hair...weird face..." Daxai nods and watches Yoshiya limp off, clinging to his mom. He growled and his eyes filled with anger.

Hah...whoever this guy is...he's gonna have a bad day. i'll make sure of that.

He walks into the school, finding the classroom that Yoshiya mentioned and threw the door open, the girls that recognized him beginning to fangirl. Fukumori looked up at Daxai and his eyes widened, he recognized him and remembered who he was.
