Chapter 1: Transmigration

Hello readers!

Here is the first chapter in the rewrite of my first ever story of webnovel. I hope you enjoy it, since I plan on bringing this one of to an end, no matter how long it takes. 

I've improved much as a writer since I posted the original a few years ago.

So without further ado, here you are.


Hello there.

My name is Roman.

To say my life is interesting would be an understatement. I am a totally normal 23 year old guy. I've got an ordinary job, ordinary friends, and an ordinary family. Nothing that special at all. 

But that's fine with me.

So long as I can live my life and enjoy my hobbies I am fine with being completely ordinary.

Speaking of my hobbies my favorite over these past few years has been anything and everything to do with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Ever since I was old enough to grasp what the MCU was I fell in love with it. The universe, the story-telling, the characters, etc. I can say that Marvel truly outdid themselves when they decided to create the MCU. So a shoutout to them, and the god of Marvel Stan Lee himself.


Exiting the movie theater, along with several other move-goers, I was on my phone, posting a review online about 'The Marvels' since I had just finished watching the film.

In all honestly I didn't think it was that bad. I especially liked the way Marvel tied in characters from the MCU mini-series they started putting out on Disney Plus+, just like how they related the events in the movies to Agents Of Shield when the series ran. Not to mention the movies after-credit scene where the X-men got a cameo.

Then again since the MCU has started its 'Multiverse Saga' and gave Mr. Fantastic a cameo in the new Doctor Strange film, and has even introduced Kang I'm not really surprised the X-men have begun appearing in the MCU.

I wonder how different the MCU X-men will be from the X-men featured in the films produced by Fox. I guess only time will tell. The same for the Fantastic Four. I can't wait to see how the MCU reinvents the characters compared to the Tim Story films.

Thinking about this, and a few other things, I finished writing my online review of 'The Marvels' and posted it.

The moment I did so I slipped my phone into my pocket. Reaching the crosswalk just as I did so.

As I waited for the sign to change so I could cross I couldn't help but think what else the MCU had in store for the future. I wondered how long it would go, and how many more heroes and characters it would introduce before it truly came to an end.

I mean its already been fifteen years since the MCU started with the first Iron Man film in 2008.

"Just how far will it go?" I muttered to myself.

Right after I did so the sign changed, signaling to me it was safe to cross the street.

The moment I saw this I did just that.

But right as I arrived in the middle of the crosswalk I suddenly noticed bright lights out of the corner of my left eye. I also heard a loud noise.

*Honk! Honk!*

Turning my head in the direction of the sound and lights I suddenly found myself staring at the front end of a red and blue semi-truck.

Which is heading straight for me.

Before I could truly process what was happening the semi-truck was right in front of me. Then before I knew it my body was flying through the air, as the truck had slammed into me without any hesitation.

"Fuck." I spoke immediately after.

My body falling toward the grounds and my vision filling with black spots just after I did so.

Falling closer and closer to the ground I felt fear well up inside my chest, as I knew the moment I landed I would likely die.

And even if I somehow miraculously survived I couldn't imagine I could live any kind of life.

So if the choice is between living a life, most likely in a hospital for the rest of my days, or death right here and now I choose the latter rather than the former.

Coming to this internal decision I prepared to hit the ground and face death head on.

But a minute before my body landed a swirling vortex made from a rainbow of colors opened up where I was gone to land on the ground.

As I crashed into it the vortex swallowed me whole, and immediately after it did so my vision was filled with a rainbow of incredibly bright lights. 

The intensity of said lights grew bright and brighter, until eventually I could see nothing at all and my entire body became engulfed in the lights.

Several seconds after this happened all the lights changed to pure white, and then my mind went completely and utterly blank.



Screaming at the top of my lungs I opened my eyes.

Shouting up into a sitting position I continued screaming for several more seconds before I finally managed to stop.

"Fuck." I muttered. Breathing raggedly as I did so. Sweating running down my head in droves. "What the hell was that?" I muttered to myself.

Then immediately after I did so I moved my hands to the side of my head as I felt a splitting headache come on.


Groaning I curled myself into a ball as the headache got worse.

Images also began to flash through my mind.

As the headache and image flashes continued I felt as if my head was going to split open.

Then as quickly as both began they came to a stop simultaneously.

The moment after this happened I realized two very important things.

The first is that those images that just flashed across my mind were not simply images. No, they were memories. The memories of a different person.

A person I have now fused with.

The second is that due to the memories I just received I know exactly where I am. A world that was once purely fiction.

I am in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.