Chapter 2: New Reality

I am in the MCU. 

A world that was once simply fiction is now my reality.

Inhaling and exhaling slowly and steadily I worked to keep calm as I processed this information.

In addition to that I started working to sift through the new memories of the person I had become. To better understand my circumstances and plan out my next move.

When the new memories became clearer I learned several important things.

Like my first name is still Roman but my last name is different. Now it is Roman Maxwell.

Which actually doesn't brother me all that much.

What does bother me is the other things I am learning from my new memories.

First off, mutants exist in this world.

Though that makes no sense since mutants weren't yet introduced in the MCU.

Secondly, it seems I am a mutant.

Third, the mutant abilities I possess are exactly like those of Kevin 11 from the Ben 10 series. Which basically means I am an Osmosian. Specifically the retconned version. I can absorb matter and energy as well as the powers of other beings.

Though the original Roman didn't figure this out before he died.

From what I can see he from his memories was too busy surviving.

An orphan, the original Roman of this world lived in an orphanage for his entire life until thee years ago shortly after he turned twelve yeas old. That's when his mutants powers awakened and the Roman of this world discovered what he could do. He also realized how he would be treated if people found out about his abilities, so he left the orphanage and started living on the streets, using his powers to survive.

The original Roman used his powers to steal money from ATM machines,, and his life while not the best was good.

But then a few days ago everything changed.

The Roman of this world fell to the weakness of Retconned Osmosian's and started absorbing too much energy too fast and basically lost his mind. He just kept absorbing more and more energy without releasing it and then he finally absorbed too much and it force a sort of overload, causing the original Roman to release all that energy at once. Where he basically died in the process.

Well he was at death's door.

But before he fully got to that point our souls merged and now here I am.

Upon learning all of this from my new memories I worked to come to terms with all of this, while still working on the fact I am in the MCU.

I don't know how long I thought over these various things, but eventually I came to terms with all of it.

Once I did so I stood to my feet and took a look around.

In doing so I learned I was in an abandoned subway station.

Accessing my memories I learned this was the original Roman's home, so it is now mine.

Scanning my gaze over it I saw a decent mattress with several covers and a bed, a small generator connected to a mini fridge and a heater, as well a recliner chair and a table with a hot plate sitting atop it.

I also see a dresser and wardrobe, which I know are filled with various clothes that fit my fifteen year-old body perfectly.

"Not bad original Roman, not bad at all." I muttered to myself.

Using his powers the original Roman built a pretty nice home for himself.

'If only he hadn't gone crazy from becoming an energy addict.'

Making a mental note to now follow his path I walked over to the mini fridge and opened it up, retrieving a bottle of water from inside and cracking it open. I then drank it in under a minute. Since I was thirsty.

Upon finishing my water bottle I headed over to the wardrobe and dresser to put on some fresh clothes, since I want to go out and explore and gather information. Because if mutants exist in this version of the MCU I need all the information I can get as fast as possible.

Since there's no telling what else my exist here.

Getting dressed in a new outfit only took me a few minutes.

Once I was I headed out of my subway home to explore my new world.


Listening to the hustle and bustle around me from the people walking the streets to the dozens of vehicles on the road I observed my surroundings. In doing so I saw several familiar landmarks that told me I was in New York City.

Which in all honestly isn't a bad place to begin a new life in a once fictional world in my opinion.

Continuing to walk the streets of New York I worked to gather information, and in doing so I learned it was only the year 2000. Telling me that none of the events of the first MCU saga had begun yet.


That means I have plenty of time to prepare for them.

I continued working to gather information on the streets for two hours, until I realized I could only learn so much using such a method. Thus I decided to change method of information gathering. I headed for a public library.

Gaining entrance to the library I arrived at was easy.

Once inside I headed to one of the computers and then began doing my research.

In doing so I found historical photos showcasing Captain America and his Howling Commandoes. The captain himself looking exactly like his actor from the movies Chris Evans. The same applies to the rest of the Howling Commandoes, one of which was none other than Hugh Jackman, aka Logan, aka The Wolverine.

Moving on from cap and his comrades I found that not only does Stark Industries exist in this world but Oscorp as well. Norman Obsorn himself looking exactly like Willem Dafoe from the Sam Raimi spider-man films.

The Baxter Building also exists here.

Looking up mutants I found tons of different sites and links discussing them. I even found a few conspiracies sites and links mentioning how mutants were involved in the Cuba Missile Crisis.

Finding all these things and so much more I soon realized that I am not strictly in the MCU but some sort of weird alternate universe that encompasses the X-men films, the Sam Raimi spider-man films, and most likely the Andrew Garfield films as well, and the Tim Story Fantastic Four films.

Coming to this realization I resisted the urge to bang my head atop the keyboard in front of me. Since if the MCU wasn't dangerous enough, now it ten times more dangerous.

And it is the world I now call home.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I inhaled and exhaled several times, wishing I had a drink in my hand right now.

Since with the day I've been having I need one.

'It's fine. Everything will be fine.' I thought to myself.

Sure, the MCU I am in is a lot more dangerous than the original but it's not like I'm defenseless or anything. I not only have the memories of my previous life but I also have the powers of an Osmosian. So while things are not great, it's not like they're hopeless either.

Besides that I'm no one important.

Sure I'm a mutant, but I don't cause trouble and I keep to myself. So what are the odds anyone will take an interest in me?

Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine.

Closing down all the windows on the computer I got up and left the library, making my way back to my subway home. Because it's been a long day and I'm tired.

Arriving at the entrance to my home I prepared to enter it, only to stop in my tracks when I felt a strange sensation in my head.

'Hello there young Roman. Do not be afraid. My companion and I are not here to harm you. We are simply here to talk.'

A familiar voice spoke directly into my mind.

A moment after this happened I notice two people out of the corner of my right eye. Hoping it was not who I thought it was.

But my hope were dashed when I fully turned in their direction and saw none other than Ororo Munroe and Charles Xavier.

Seeing them I realized I definitely jinxed myself earlier.

I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut.